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Username: first1
Date/Time: Sun, October 15, 2000 at 5:06 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.75 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Truth or dare!


Hey truth be told "Ken Stubbs" do you know how many names are in the dictionary? NOT 500,000.  Are generic terms like Science.web, Business.web, Mail.web, Spider.web, e.web, ez.web, Homes.web, Cars.web, Sale.web, Mary.web, John.web, Mark.web, My.web.......etc.

WILL THESE AND 499,987 OTHER "TRADEMARKED STRINGS" AS YOU CALL IT BE GOBBLED UP BY.......LETS SAY BIG BUSINESS? Is "bandage" trademarkable? how about "cola" or "fish" or "money" or "coins" or "gold"??????? Will the apple farmer in washington have a chance at "apple.web"

Will any popular generic name or popular persons name (first or last) be available after the so called SUNRISE PERIOD? What are the penalties for registering a non trademarked name or a thousand untrademarked names during the sunrise period? "OOPS I REGISTERED e.web and mail.web on accident...I thought they were trademarked by our company, we were in such a hurry to get there before the hardworking public" Will they be stripped of these names?

Lets say I trademarked NAMES.WEB. Does that give me the right to participate in the "SUNRISE PERIOD" and register every persons name I could think of? It would be a trademark string.

IOD is the only fair implementation of .web.  If your worried IOD cannot handle it, give them an 18 month test period. If they screw it up then transfer to another administrator. THEY WON'T SCREW UP!         


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