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Username: Gregory W. Krajewski
Date/Time: Tue, October 31, 2000 at 3:51 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: WiredZ...why didn't you say you were from OpenSRS...


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How many domains do you have to buy sir through the openSRS program, a month...20, 30 domains...I can see why you might be frightened of IOD...oh, no...that ugly word...competition (see what potential competition will do to some people...making false accusations...and trying to bring down a reputable person and company---Well the fact is...we (IOD supporters) expected it, and I think IOD did too...It's not over as you can tell(the bashing)..... we just wish people would come out of the closet and post with there real names and affiliations as to bring up some good dialogue.

By the way sir, no one is suggesting taking away your livelyhood (selliing domains), as it's obvious your concerned with being able to sell many different domains for the benefit of the consumer, right??...

Thank you...

Gregory Krajewski


Link: WiredZ

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