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Username: StevenKraus
Date/Time: Thu, October 19, 2000 at 7:01 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: New domain .co-op needed for Cooperatives and Credit Unions


                With a different business operation model and
strong member involvement, cooperatives and credit
unions really need a different top level domain name.
There are already thousands of co-ops and credit
unions with .com and .org names, but there is no
easy way to distinguish these names from other
non-cooperative businesses.

Observe the mess made of .com and .org, with groups and
individuals buying and selling names.  All of the good names
are taken.  This is a chance to start over and clean up.

The National Cooperative Business Association (the sponsor) proposes .co-op, in part, to ensure that only true cooperatives -- those that operate according to the International Cooperative Alliance's (ICA) cooperative priniciples -- can use the dot co-op TLD.  NCBA and ICA agree that some businesses use the word co-op in their name when they are not true cooperatives.


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