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Username: davidg
Date/Time: Thu, October 26, 2000 at 5:39 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Aussie Support for :dot co-op"


  The Co-operative Federation of Victoria Ltd is the peak body for co-operatives in the Australian State of Victoria.

Our members include consultancy, dairy, education, energy, hardware,housing and purchasing co-operatives. Co-ops in Victoria vary in size and impact with two dairy co-ops having a $1 billion (Australia) plus business.

As elsewhere, in Australia Co-operatives have a challenge to differentiate themselves in public policy debate and the market. Co-operatives with web sites should be aqble to use an Internet suffix that reflects and reinforces the co-operative difference.

This is why the Co-operative Federation of Victoria Ltd supports the proposed new Internet name suffix .co-op being advocated by the USA National Cooperative Business Association and UK Poptel. 


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