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Username: swcc
Date/Time: Wed, October 25, 2000 at 2:33 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.73 using Macintosh PowerPC
Score: 5
Subject: .co-op


From: Tim Pearce, Acting Secretary, South West Co-operative Council (UK).
Like all brilliant ideas, this does have its drawbacks notably the possibility of intrusion by 'bogus co-ops'. This could be addressed by devolving the validation process to appropriate regional or local federations or support organisations.

Nevertheless, it remains a great idea. Co-operative organisations find it hard to assert their 'co-operative difference' in a business world dominated by the investor-owned corporation, and this proposal would open up consumer choice and allow social enterprises to be upfront about their identity.

Those organisations shy about their co-operative identity would not, of course, be forced to adopt .co-op but the important thing is for the choice to be available.

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