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Username: Richard R. Smith
Date/Time: Thu, October 26, 2000 at 12:49 AM GMT (Wed, October 25, 2000 at 6:49 PM CST)
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: .co-op


NREMC has approximately 20,000 consumer-owners.  On their behalf I am writing to urge the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to approve the proposal for a .co-op top-level domain.  As Vice President of Finance and Administration I realize the importance of e-commerce identities in today's electronic market place.  A common top-level domain name will help establish the internet identity for co-ops worldwide, making it easier for consumers, producers and other to find the businesses they trust in the global e-commerce arena.  While my cooperative provides electric service to predominantly rural consumers, co-ops operate in virtually all industries.  I urge you to move quickly to approve .co-op.

Richard R. Smith
VP Finance & Administration       


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