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Username: coopgrocer
Date/Time: Mon, October 23, 2000 at 1:33 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Macintosh
Score: 5
Subject: .co-op domain


     I am writing to support the .co-op domain proposed by Poptel
and the National Cooperative Business Association.  Co-ops
internationally follow a unique set of principles derived from
decades of cooperative enterprise.  Their hundreds of
thousands of organizations and many millions of members
need greater recognition of their common thread, an ownership
structure that distinguishes them from both the non-profit sector
and the private for-profit businesses.  Co-op examples need
greater recognition in all sectors and all nations.  The .co-op
domain will help promote understanding of the unique and
much needed democratic ownership and control of resources
and services that cooperatives provide.  Please make that
possible by approving the proposed .co-op domain.  My work is
in serving a U.S. and Canadian network of 300 consumer
cooperative groceries and 20 regional and national co-op
support and development organizations.  These businesses
have perhaps half a million member owners at the local food
co-op level and are a growing community and economic force.  I
publish a unique trade magazine, now in its sixteenth year, that
is written by and for the managers, staff and directors of these
businesses.  This work keeps me abreast of events and issues
for food cooperatives in the U.S., and I am sure they would
strongly support, as I do, the proposed new domain for co-ops. 
Thank you for your consideration.  Dave Gutknecht, Publisher
and Editor, Cooperative Grocer


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