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Username: confcoop
Date/Time: Thu, October 26, 2000 at 1:09 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Confcooperative, Italy - support for .co-op top level domain


Rome, 26 October 2000

Mr. Mike Roberts
Chairman and CEO
4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
Marina del Rey, CA 90292 USA

Dear Mr. Roberts,

The International Co-operative Alliance, the largest NGO in the world, informed us that negotiations are currently developed for the establishment of a restricted number of new top level domains. In this framework we would like to inform you that we strongly support the proposal of NCBA for the registration of a .co-op top level domain.

We are deeply convinced that this suffix is the unique appropriate to co-operatives since it reflects their specific business structure which need to be differentiated from other forms of businesses, especially in the field of the electronic commerce.

We also believe that the .co-op domain name will, moreover, help the co-operative movement, which at international level represents some 760 million people,  establish  a unique identity on the internet; spread co-operative values and principles; help co-operatives to easily seek out other co-ops; enable people to identify co-operative enterprises; and, not last, contribute to a “digital divide” fund supporting Internet and e-commerce projects for co-operatives worldwide.

We are also convinced that the great number of co-operatives existing in the world will lead to a significant registration under this domain.

Confcooperative itself, as national organization, represents more than 18,000 co-operative enterprises, which in terms of individual members means 2,400,000 people involved in all sectors of activity: housing, agriculture, consumers, workers, production, fisheries, social solidarity (social and health co-ops), banking, mutual aid, tourism, transports, etc.

Millions of people in the world trust in and depend on co-operatives. By establishing the .co-op top level domain it will also be given to this special form of businesses the opportunity of being called and recognised also in the e-marketplace with their real name: co-operatives.

Yours Sincerely

Gianna Perra
International Relations Office


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