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Username: COPAC
Date/Time: Wed, October 25, 2000 at 2:00 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.7 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: COPAC supports .co-op or .coop TLD


        The Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives COPAC  supports the proposal to create a .co-op or .coop  top level domain name. 

COPAC members know that the cooperative movement is significant community and thus would be a perfect group to be attributed a top level domain.  The last survey of cooperatives undertaken by the UN organization, the International Labour Office, indicated that co-ops existed in 162 countries around the world.  As you know, the ICA alone has 254 members in over 90 of these countries.  Co-ops are active in all sectors of the economy and secure the livelihoods of nearly 3 billion people or half of the world's population. Nearly 800 million individuals are members of cooperatives and co-ops provide an estimated 100 million jobs. They are also economically significant in a large number of countries being the major providers of foodstuffs, financial and consumer services.

However in addition, to their numbers and impact, the cooperative community distinguishes itself in the way it operates.  Its principles fit with those that power the growth of the Internet: people-centred, democratic, transparent, promoting equality, equity and solidarity.  They are also businesses that use their difference to better serve the needs of their members as well as the communities in which they operate.  Consumers trust co-ops in the marketplace and will benefit from being easily able to identify bona fide co-ops on the Internet with the .co-op or .coop domain.
We are convinced that the .co-op tld will enhance cooperative identity, and in doing so enable more people to learn about co-ops giving them an opportunity to see how self-help works.  As more new co-ops are formed, the demand for the .co-op domain will increase.  The Internet community will be given more choice while the co-op movement grows; a win-win situation for all involved.

COPAC supports the creation of a new .co-op or .coop tld.  We hope that ICANN will approve its creation.

MariaElena Chavez
COPAC Coordinator


The Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives COPAC is a successful and on-going partnership between representatives of the cooperative movement, farmers' organizations, and the United Nations and its agencies. Members work together on equal terms to promote and coordinate sustainable cooperative development through policy dialogues, technical cooperation and information, and concrete collaborative activities.  COPAC members include: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Co-operative Alliance (ICA), International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP), International Labour Office (ILO), United Nations (UN), and the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU).


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