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Username: aerforcoops
Date/Time: Fri, November 3, 2000 at 3:26 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows NT 5.0
Score: 5
Subject: We need .co-op!


      The world needs the designation .co-op.  Shoppers on-line who want to shop co-operatively should be able to easily identify legitimate co-operatives.  Co-ops should not be hidden within the .com designation. Co-ops are a breed apart from commercial ventures.  A co-operative's bottom line is not just profit.  A co-op has to be financially sound, but its profit is made consistent with the goals/vision/ideals of its member owners.  With a co-op, the consumer-owners define what is important to the organization.  Frequently that means a more socially responsible, environmentally conscious, more health minded organization.  Co-op shoppers prefer to spend their consumer dollars at co-ops because they believe in co-operative values and the commercial alternative provided by co-ops. We shouldn't be lumped under .org because co-ops aren't really not-for-profits (even though they may more closely resemble not-for-profits than strictly commercial ventures).  We need .co-op!


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