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Username: OSCAprez
Date/Time: Wed, October 25, 2000 at 4:02 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.7 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: dot co-op


I am writing on behalf of the 630 members of the Oberlin Student Cooperative Association to express our support for the proposed ',co-op' TLD. 

OSCA is a student owned and operated corporation of 12 co-ops which provide at-cost room and board to Oberlin College students and allow us to lead a deliberate, intentional lifestyle.  Since we are associated with a college, our current homepage is part of the system.  With their distinct vision and structure, however, co-ops have a hard time fitting within the .com, .org. or .edu TLDs.  As the cooperative movement grows to provide more services to a greater number of people and as we increase our use of internet networking, it is important that we have a TLD which truly reflects what we are all about.  The current structure does not accomodate for co-ops and we cannot be ignored.

Stefan Kamola
Oberlin Student Cooperative Association     


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