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Username: davidd
Date/Time: Thu, October 19, 2000 at 4:40 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Dot Travel Proposal


      I read with interest the previous postings and am still confused.  Why would the International Air Transport Association, a consortium of airlines, be involved in this kind of initiative?  It does, by its very nature, create suspicion of what the real agenda is.  The airline community is under intense scrutiny for anti-competitive and anti-comsumer actions.  Could this intiative be orchestrated by the member airlines and IATA is simply acting as their proxy? 

I agree that this is a very complicated and significant issue which will require much discussion to fully understand the motives behind IATA's request.  This certainly seems to be outside their core mission and I am concerned that they may be moving into an area where they shouldn't be in the first place. 

One can understand the travel industry's suspicion concerning any strategic move by an airline controlled association.  This isn't an "emotional" reaction.  This is based on a consistent, long term series of steps made by the airlines that have adversely impacted consumers and travel agents.

I suggest that the request be scrutinized very carefully.  Let's make sure it passes the smell test.

David M. de L'Arbre, C.O.O.

Santa Barbara Travel Bureau

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