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Username: Telfer
Date/Time: Fri, November 3, 2000 at 12:25 AM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.5 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: Citibank supports IATA's proposal


Citibank supports IATA's application to ICANN to manage the .travel top level domain.

We have worked closely with IATA for years to help ensure fair, prompt clearing and settlement of payments among a broad spectrum of travel industry participants - including such diverse entities as airlines, travel agents, cargo carriers, freight forwarders, hotels, and car rental agencies.  We are pleased to have had the opportunity to have seen and supported IATA's successful efforts to establish a neutral environment that promotes the growth of the entire travel industry without prejudice against any industry segment. 
Citibank has also worked closely with IATA in recent years to develop Internet projects that would benefit the broad travel community.  From this activity, we can report that IATA understands the effect that e-commerce can play in transforming the industry, and that IATA understands how to act as a force for positive change in this area.  We believe that IATA will be a fair and responsible manager of this top level domain. 

In short, we believe that IATA's application may be the single best example of how the Internet community can benefit from independent management of a top level domain.  We heartily endorse the proposal.


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