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Username: canada
Date/Time: Fri, October 27, 2000 at 4:12 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: .travel  / IATA is a Cartel !!!


"IATA has served as a neutral, trusted intermediary for decades" is one quotation I have read.  HA!  This is an organization, a cartel as a matter of fact, especially dominated by anti-competitive global airline alliances, that uses its multinational position to create rules and enforce an agreement that is dramatically one sided, both against travel agencies and consumers. 

What complete unbridled brashness to think that an airline body should have control of the word "travel".  Let them have airline, air, or fares, but travel belongs most to travel agencies as represented by a worldwide body of associations of travel agents.  No one sector, no matter how powerful or domininant, should have the power to claim the entire travel domain!  The airlines have an increasing stranglehold on all members of the travel industry, but they are the mere transportation to resorts and cruises which are the real thing people think of when they think travel.

Giving this domain to IATA is asking for a further strangling of consumers and other players in the travel industry.  Enough is enough!


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