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Username: JConnors
Date/Time: Fri, October 13, 2000 at 7:01 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows NT 5.0
Score: 5
Subject: Serious doubts


Having reviewed Image Online Design's application, a number of things have concerned me. At this time, the company has only 4 employees, and while their application outlines how they will go about expanding their oganization, I think the question of just how capable Image Online Design is must be brought up. .web is certain to be one of the most popular new TLDs and the demand for registrations is sure to be large. Will such a small company be able to handle the demands of the rush to register domains?

As an example, I have called Network Solutions tech support numerous times and have found them to be unable to respond to tech support demands. Netsol is a billion dollar company with 100s of employees. If they have trouble coping with support demands, how will a young organization such as Image Online Design be able to handle them?

Image Online Design cites their operation of their .web registry system as evidence of their competence and ability to handle the demands of running a registry. 20,000 pre-registrations over a period of nearly 5 years is not a substantial figure. While it does show _some_ ability, it's quite obvious that in the first few DAYS of operation, a .web registry would see more than that many registrations. Therefore, I don't think having 20,000 pre-registrations shows beyond a doubt that they have the ability to run a registry in the real-world.

Frankly, I feel that of the companies that have applied for .web, Afilias has the best ability to manage a stable, scalable registry system. The member companies of Afilias already have the infrastructure necessary to operate a registry, and they represent some of the most experienced registrars who have real world experience managing DNS systems. Afilias also has more than enough capital necessary to ensure the stability of the registry should problems arise.

Because .web will most likely be the most popular new TLD, ICANN must select the most company that is most capable and stable. In my estimation, Image Online Design can not offer the capability and stability of the other .web applicant, Afilias.


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