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Username: Gregory W. Krajewski
Date/Time: Mon, October 30, 2000 at 4:43 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Back your comments up!  Spewing Rhetoric shows your knowledge about the DNS


   Please back up your claims that IOD is "illegally occupying territories"?  You have no concept of what the DNS is about when you make those comments....Remember ICANN is only a gatekeeper, not the be all and end all, (if that makes sense)

As to your claim that ICANN should not foster innovation and competition by selecting IOD's registry is baseless...Again another hollow argument backed up with a moniker, "SayNoToIOD"...    

Are you starting to see a trend here sir, you spew rhetoric with no results...However once you put a name and affilation behind your comments then you shall be heard...Such is the case with IOD...they have made a strong case for being accepted based on their prior use (something Mr. Postel himself even advocated as a measurement for a registries' stability), however for your information IOD is standing behind it's application and the technical merits it stands on...Need I say more??

DISCLAIMER:  Even "SayNoToIOD" has a right to post on here since there are no rules persay...but without giving a name and affiliation, your credibility is, well...that of someone who doesn't believe in what he is saying, but does believe thinking he stands for something..There is a true difference....IOD supporters have shown that stand solidly behind IOD and Dot Web (for many reasons including self interest)...and why...Please Check out IOD's application...the comments about their customer service...their innovative registry and above all their firm commitment to coming up with solutions to our problems (this is why I like them from a business persons' standpoint)....Just remember that if you haven't followed Mr. Ambler's comments (CTO from IOD)'s always about coming up with the best solution...He does a lot of times ask, if I am wrong, What is your opinion?

Thank you.

Gregory W. Krajewski


Link: IOD's application, "Ready and able to meet the challenge"

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