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Username: rlangsford
Date/Time: Thu, November 2, 2000 at 6:52 AM GMT (Wed, November 1, 2000 at 11:52 PM PDT)
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: Conflict of interest


Thanks for the alert! The page Mr. Patel refers to is the Application Review Update, revised 1 November 2000, at the very bottom of the form. Four folks are listed with varying conflicts of interest with a statement that these individuals "...recused themselves prior to their consideration of any application." My dictionary fails me...would someone mind defining "recuse" for me? Thanks!

Another interesting page is the list of people preregistered for the November public meeting...representatives of many world governments, prominent organizations...even two folks from the Walt Disney Co. This page is at .   


Link: ICANN TLD Application Review Update

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