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Username: SayNoToIOD
Date/Time: Sat, November 4, 2000 at 7:45 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: NO !  to IOD  -  NO to .web


   I don't know about you, but I do have small vertical bar on the right hand side of my screen showing the vertical size of the web page and the position of the current screen within this web page for long pages.

This public forum is a long page and my pointer shows that about 25% of it goes to IOD and 25% goes to the General comments issues. A closer look at the General  comments shows that over 80% of those are related to IOD application as well.

Furthermore, a review of the postings show that they are coming from a handful of very vocal individuals supporters of IOD.

First, they steal .web.
Second, they run underground, illegal, unethical operations.
Third, they name themselves shamelessly .web Registry.
Fourth, they encourage their customer with promises for benefits
to clog this Forum and prevent the normal work of the legal
authority - ICANN.

IOD followers behave like drunken sailors in a bar. They want us
to sit around and admire them or get hit by a chair.

We are people with self respect. We are people with respect to others and to the society. We do not believe in anarchy. We do not believe in self-proclaimed authorities. We do not like underground and illegal activities.

That's why we all....



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