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Username: useyourhead
Date/Time: Sun, November 5, 2000 at 6:54 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: IOD issues


      Dear Cambler,
The following is a concern to me (and I am sure the general public).  IOD lists the use of private information below.  How can you think it is okay to release private information to your business partners? is where I found this on your site you suggested I review.  How many people who registered names with you are you spamming?  How can you consider this to be an acceptable policy?  It greatly concerns me.

B. Business Affiliates. Image Online Design has forged strategic alliances with a number of carefully screened business affiliates who offer products and services that we believe to be of interest of our customers. On occasion, we will provide these affiliates with information necessary to contact you with special offers, announcements and news items. 

As of yet I have seen no such policy listed by Abacus.  Here is what they list.  They will release statistics but NO personal information.

From time to time, we may share with third parties aggregate information-- such as, how many of our users are men, or how many A+Net consumers search on Internet-related topics. Such information will not contain any personal identifying information.

taken from the Abacus application

I cannot see supporting an organization such as IOD that allows dissemination of private information.  I see that Abacus will not do this so I think I will still support Abacus.


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