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Username: cambler
Date/Time: Tue, October 17, 2000 at 9:34 PM GMT (Tue, October 17, 2000 at 2:34 PM PDT)
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Answers from IOD


Mr. Coombs - I'm glad to answer your questions. I see your post as bringing up two issues directly related to our application: the cost, and the fact that we will be the sole registrar at the beginning. Let me address the second question first. We expect that it will take time to completely develop and test our RRP implementation. Unlike some proposals, we intend to fully support ICANN registrars. We expect to have a "testbed" period much like ICANN did (indeed, one of the other applicants for .web, Melbourne IT, was one of the first five ICANN registrars in that testbed period). While I could point out that NSI was the sole registrar for .com from its inception to recent times, I don't expect that that's a fair answer (although it remains a fact).

So I would turn the question around to you and ask what you would propose? Obviously, development time must occur, as must testing. How would you structure the time?

Finally, as for our pricing, we chose it based on our free-market assesment of the coming competition. As I've said, I personally suspect that the prices will go down due to competition from other new TLDs. Unfortunately, there is no existing market data to compare against, since NSI's $9 and then $6 pricing was mandated by negotiation and contract with ICANN and the U.S. Government. If, during the ICANN negotiation phase, pricing models are negotiated, I suspect things might change.

Again, I would ask, what would you propose?

This board is for public comments, but I am a member of the public as well, and would like nothing more than to engage in a dialog with you and anyone else. Image Online Design has worked for over four years to create our registry, and the registry has evolved along with the needs and suggestions of our customers (and, indeed, many non-customers as well!). I'm more than happy to turn the registry on a dime if need be. So let's discuss it.

I might note, though, that this level of commitment to the needs and good of the Internet doesn't seem to be present from the other two applicants for .web. Pity, that.

Christopher Ambler
CTO, Image Online Design, Inc.
The .Web Internet Domain Registry


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