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Username: pilot
Date/Time: Fri, October 13, 2000 at 8:41 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V4.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: I Am IOD Supporter And Serious Business Owner


I own a chandelier manufacturing company, established 1991.  My business designs and manufactures ballroom chandeliers for hotels.
I tried to buy, but it was taken, and linked to a porno site.  The owner wanted more than I was willing to pay.  Eventually, a huge chandelier company bought  The system worked. is now owned by a chandelier company, not mine.  However, I recently bought Chandeliers.WEB.  It would be a great marketing tool for my chandelier business. 

Don't tell us IOD .WEB supporters are not "SERIOUS BUSINESS PEOPLE".  Speak for yourself.  I am an IOD supporter and serious business person.  My business is not some sort of internet service, nor web design business.  I make a product to specifications, then sell it.
And you sir ("GET SERIOUS"), what sort of serious business are part of?



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