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Username: james fryer
Date/Time: Sat, November 4, 2000 at 10:48 AM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Because it doesn't tell you anything you don't already know


>Liberty is always something that some consider to be pointless.
>I don't.

Neither do I -- but I don't think this has anything to do with liberty, you are just pressing an emotive button. Go and live in China or Burma if you want to pontificate about liberty.

>You say .auto makes more sense than .web. But what could .auto stand
>for? The same as .car, or .voiture, or .coche, or ...?

This is true, it is not possible in the general case to make an effective directory system from the tlds...

>Therefore .web makes sense.

... but this does not follow logically from the above. We should try and divide the domain name space up as much as possible, not lump it all into .WEB.

>The internet does not need other "" gtlds, but at least
>one, which resembles .com - the demand there is highest.

You miss my point. In the UK, people have to register two domains: FOO.COM and FOO.CO.UK. When you have .WEB you will need to register FOO.WEB and FOO.COM in order that people can find you. I am convinced this *will* happen, so .WEB is redundant and we need more expressive tlds.

(This problem will happen to an extent with any tlds that are introduced, but it will be a lot worse with .WEB.)

>You may want to try out search
>engines like, or

Does being patronising come naturally to you or do you have to practise at it?

>that purpose. I AM thinking from the point of view of a person using
>the web browser the right way, not the wrong one.

So, when it suits you, you say the majority must prevail and have .WEB and liberty; when it doesn't suit you, you say people must use their browsers the "right way"?

>If you add new gtlds of whatever kind, they will remove the current
>domain-name shortage automatically. I don't see your point at all.

If you add a meaningless but superficially attractive domain such as .WEB it will fill up rapidly. Adding a large number of descriptive domains is a more scalable solution.

>I did not say that domain names are roads, but that both are used for
>similar reasons

Well you are wrong then. A road is a route which takes you to a place. A domain name *is a place*, and it needs a descriptive name. .WEB is just like calling everywhere "place" -- "london place", "arundel place", it is redundant.


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