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Username: friedrich
Date/Time: Sat, October 14, 2000 at 6:03 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows NT 4.0
Score: 5
Subject: Do you know the CORE system?


                               To keep it short: Please read the commentaries on thr round robin method of the CORE in the last board.

The CORE system is more than unfair: CORE registrars offer an abusingly expensive, so called "premium service", which guarantees you an extra-service: Your application will be treated before all others. No longer first come - first serve, but now: Pay more - get first.

Only companies, who use a "premium service" with ALL the CORE registrars (currently over 80 registrars) and are ready to spend thousands of dollars, will get the domain-name they want, even if hundreds of other people registered it before.

Thus CORE will make the money directly, like .tv does, with the only difference, that CORE pretends being "fair and cheap".

You are wrong, if you think, that swiping IODs databank will allow everybody to get his chance of receiving a .web name.
The opposite will happen: Till now a lot of privat people and small companies registered .web names and they would loose them to the "big ones".
Besides this the sweeping of an existing and legal database would be illegal and therefore cause legal consequences.

To allow IOD to run .web IS THE CONSERVATIVE APPROACH and the only correct one, because they have been legally registering for over four years now and simly did not receive access to the A-root servers yet, even if this was initially guaranteed to them.

Fairness? - Fairness!


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