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Username: friedrich
Date/Time: Tue, October 24, 2000 at 12:10 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows NT 4.0
Score: 5
Subject: You are right


Of course you are right. And of course they won't identify ...

But there is something else to worry about:

Why did ICANN "stop" this forum by deteriorating it consumer-friendlyness? Participants of this forum are first confronted with old information in the not very much discussed .ads application area and - if they click on the Link to the "general comments", they are shown comments that stop with Julie's post as the newest on displayed:

$2,500,000 Offer to ICANN — julie, 7:36 AM (0/0)

Newer posts are not shown anymore. What happened to that Link? Did someone create a second (old) database to point at?

When I first saw it, I thought the forum had closed or at least the general comments area was closed ... and I was about to quitt.

Very strange indeed, but very effective: Hardly anybody participates anymore, while before these changes it was like a "land rush".

ICANN, if you did not intend to stop down the forum, please put the general comments back where they were before.

Thank you!

Friedrich Kisters



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