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Username: Facilitator
Date/Time: Fri, October 20, 2000 at 3:53 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Global View - Flim Flam Artist


Who cares if he's on the Executive Committee.  What matters is that he's on the Board AND he's part of ICANN.  Can your brain process that paltry amount of information.  Several people did research into the policies implemented by ICANN.  Did you bother to read them?  No.  Can you tell me who should oversee and reports on such conduct by Mr. Stubbs.  No.  Well, hot shot, let me tell you since your so well informed.  The Conflicts Committee is required to receive a statement on Mr. Stubbs' activities and make any necessary recommendations as to his involvement outside.  Look at the ICANN Conflicts of Interest Policy.  Second, the Bylaws of DNSO don't have a section covering conflicts of interest policy, but this doesn't impact Mr. Stubbs.  Per the Articles of the DNSO, Mr. Stubbs is flat out a Registrar Constituency Member.  And guess what?  These guys have to adhere to the ICANN established Conflicts of Interest Policy.  As such, he needs to report all activities that would be subject to even the appearance of a conflict of interest.  Did you look at his profile.  No.  He's a CPA.  Does he understand the meaning of conflict of interest.  What do you think?  Procedures do need to be followed.  He's trapped and he knows it.  No loop holes for this teflon man, nor for your weak grasp of reality.

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