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Username: JP Kim
Date/Time: Tue, October 17, 2000 at 3:58 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows NT 5.0
Score: 5
Subject: Concrete Name is more good for ASIA and Africa, East Europe, Latin America people.


        For new TLDs,     
.web and .site is also good idea.
No, Maybe, .web and .site is important to only portal site.
Most site of the world is not portal, but information site, concerning to art, trade, shop, school, people, bank, news, books, tour, country, hotel, sex, sports, economy, stock, bank, games etc.

Why need more name "site" or "web"
Enybody already known,"all homepage is site or web"
Maybe, general people more like concreate name.
.art .trade .market .auction .books .church .club .jobs .mail
So, to visit
more good "russia.economy" than "" or "russia-economy.web"

sellect general name for new TLDs,
like as .art .shop .mail .trade .economy .tour .school .people etc.

Then,before visit,
general visit can know what mean a site.

In the world, many people not use english.
and most people know only simple english word.
For those people, more concrete name is must selected.

Thank You.
from Asia.



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