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Username: For The People
Date/Time: Sun, October 15, 2000 at 11:38 PM GMT
Browser: AOL Browser V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: We are so caught up, we are forgetting one thing.


Afilias is looking for .site and .info as well.

Chances are, they won't get the 3 TLDs they seek.

I have said this before, but no one seems to listen:

Everyone wins if IOD gets its .web, and Afilias takes one of the others.

Only Afilias wins if they get .web, because that leaves IOD with nothing.

And shafting IOD just doesn't cut it for me. Not after this long,
after they have been a part of the process, and have paid their

It is just wrong, and ICANN would illustrate clear bias if they
gave .web to Afilias.

Giving Afilias ANYTHING is scandalous, in my book, considering NSI
and Ken Stubbs.

Giving Afilias the .web is BEYOND scandal, in my book.

ICANN: Be an agency for the People as well as an agency devoted to corporate interests.

Bring IOD's .web into the Internet root, and allow .web to become the TLD of the People.

Then grant us protection.

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