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Username: Gregory W. Krajewski
Date/Time: Sun, October 29, 2000 at 3:37 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Network Solution (a.ka Great Domains), (a.k.a


    I think the true winners of the most domains held (not necessarily the best) are Net Sol and (probably over 9 million combined)...If dot web is not uploaded, then decent dot com names available for resale (that will be the only method of obtaining one--dot com) will be left to continue to escalate in price (FREE CONSULATION), and the value of Net Sol's, and's new aquisitions will be sent into the stratosphere.... (again, I don't naively think that these two behemoths should roll over and not try and grow through acquisition, but I think these types of acquistitions are harmful to competition, but as it is now within their legal rights to do so, and not a bad bottom line for them...but what about the make the call...)


Just think if IOD was allowed to continue its registry some 4 years ago....I think a great disservice has resulted as I believe IOD would have given Network Sol a reason to better their customer service...As it is now, 2 of the top Registars Net Sol and own the market on the front end and now own the back end (GD and question to everyone is....What will keep the remaining registar's open for business???  They will need to acquire reseller businesses to boost profit (which is what Melbourne IT will need to do if it wants to stay in the game)...I will refuse kindly to subsidize them with any tax either...I will however support competition and innovation which IOD represents...along with their dot web registry....Technology (R&D) should be sought after...Not domain reseller's...Although the cash influx is nice and part of business however history shows that cash is their to boost stock options....These people ARE NOT here to make a better "widget"...if you own the front end and back's checkmate!!!

QUOTE FOR THE DAY:  "Rely on your instincts...they are probably correct"

Gregory W. Krajewski


Link: IOD's application, "Competition waiting to happen"

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