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Username: marshm
Date/Time: Thu, October 19, 2000 at 3:16 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: There is more...


Improved navigation is only one of many potential benefits for new TLDs.  And there are several models of how they might work.  It is up to the Internet community and the will of the market to desice which model is best.

Certainly, one of the other important benefits of new TLDs will be additional name space.  The scarcity of usable names is making the marketing potential of new TLDs quite attractive.

Some (like Diebold) believe there is an opportunity to provide for additional *organic* growth of the Internet domain name space.  For example, TLDs such as ".secure" that have certain connotations, but could be offered in an open manner, could allow for the natural use of a TLD in new ways.

Other, even more restrictive models, might be an excellent way to identify specific service models, such as has been prosed by the several ".tel" proposals.

I do agree that there need to be, as you say, "Chartered" TLDs, for a variety of reasons.

Keep in mind that we should be looking at these differing, but all potentially valid, models as well.

Gene Marsh
Diebold Incorporated
[.cash, .global, .secure]


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