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Gregory W. Krajewski |
Date/Time: |
Sat, November 4, 2000 at 7:59 AM GMT |
Browser: |
Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98 |
Score: |
5 |
Subject: |
ICANN: You mentioned "fairness" and the "consumer" on your website...I would like to comment... |
Message: |
I really think you need to ask yourselves as a group honestly this question?
(both the ICANN staff and board)..and the question would be: Do we have the
public trust?? (public here includes all the constituencies, including the missing
one, the individual) Is there enough public trust to comment about "fairness"
and the "consumer" on your website???..... Please do not comment how difficult
your position is right now...If the IPC lobby had not infiltrated your organization,
there wouldn't be the mess we have today...for it would be the courts that would
have had to come to terms (that is their job) with the changing times, not the body
that controls the "A" root server (one of many)... I am a researcher (as well
as a web designer)...So far, after studying ICANN I am not sure what you will do
in Marina Del Ray...You stated in your testimony last year before congress (see link
below) that ICANN is simply here to take care of technical matters...Is it still??
There are other comments in this testimony that really puts into perspective what
influences ICANN... For example, how was ICANN being funded up until last year??
(I am not sure about this year as I haven't seen a financial disclosure for your
organization)---Do you think we are privvy to this information on your website--for
At Large members to see??...Since you ask this of the applicants...Isn't your finanicial
status important to the DNS as well??? The answer to my previous question regarding
funding were donations kindly given by Microsoft and IBM (from congressional testimony---see
link below)... I make no inference (as how else can it survive money-wise??), however
this should be known who donates to ICANN....I take note that you have on your DNSO
board (the one that "gives you advice") a person which at one time appears to have
been affiliated with IBM...(Remember it is all in the testimony below)..Also it appears
we have a new ICANN board member who used to be on the DNSO board (until this past
summer)..appears this person is very close to the IPC lobby...(DISCLAIMER) Notice
I say "appears" to all these comments, as people and affiliations do change ..It
does concern me as to which direction this board will "lean" at Marina del Ray...Since
your "new" mission involves ensuring TM mechnisms are in place...This is why the
make up of the Supreme Court of the United States is so important (and carefully
watched with good reason)...How many on the ICANN board are pro 'Sunrise' as opposed
to allowing registries to follow UDRP princples for introduction of new TLD's???...
(I urge you to read my other post about the "Sunrise"..) Do you see that you have
strayed completely from your original mission??? (which is a no-brainer since it
appears the TM lobby influences ICANN too heavily)...I have read the "White Paper",
and your job (and IANA's) has changed somewhat, but the CORE (not afiliated with
Afilias) mission should be that of a technical nature and to create competition ....Should
it not?? If not for the sake of keeping the DNS unified and ICANN out of legal trouble
(i.e this latest fiasco)....Who represents ICANN and how much for the legal expense???
That is clearly money that could be put to use... I really think it is obvious
with the recent statements on your website and statements by the IPC that you yourselves
mask the word "fairness" pretty good (it sounds good to the people you report to)....No,
fairness to me is about honesty and integrity...Something that clearly is earned...and
proven... Board members jumping over to potential applicants at the last moment
does NOT instill confidence in this process (the person didn't get on the board because
they just happened to be available to fill the seat....Please give us more credit
than that)...Also (a bone of contention) is a DNSO board member (also a board member
for a few registrars who are applying for a TLDs), who clearly has "full" access
to providing you ICANN, with "advice" (and did so--recommended new TLD's) is still
on that DNSO board...(DISLCLAIMER) He will not be directly involved in voting for
the applications (and is in fact not on the ICANN board, but rather a "supporting"
organization of ICANN that gives advises---Is this advice balanced in light of the
fact the individual is not represented??). The "bone of contention" here
is ICANN has not specifically addressed this issue with respect to conflicts of interest
(if there are any) on the other supporting boards.... In the eyes of the public
(me included), that truly is something that needs to be worked on...Instead, one
group has taken this nonprofit organization completely over (In my opinion, through
research)...If I am wrong, I would like a response...For that is clearly how it appears...Remember,
a researcher (a good one) does not form an opionion until both sides of an issue
are fully explored....Something I have spent a lot of time doing these past few months
(11 to be exact!!) My research will continue..(and it is very interesting!!)..I
will make it my mission to continue to write every member of congress (which I have
done before) until some balance is brought into this organization (The IPC, Business,
Registrar, NonCom, ISPs, and finally the Individual)...Otherwise, I do fear that
the DNS will split (I do not want this to happen!!)...It is a little known fact that
there are others who can operate a root server....Why should I as a business owner
and more importantly, individual, who took risks and has shown interest in the Dot
Web long before this current process (and certainly before any DSNO press release)
get the "cold shoulder" from ICANN..or even worse, have Afilias or Neustar dismiss
my hard work and IOD's (yes, I have been building a website, etc in anticipation--And
yes I was ready for a "no" vote to IOD, but clearly with Afilias and Neustar in the
picture things have "changed" I will not accept anything less the a "yes" vote for
IOD and it's registrants)....Heck I would be your greatest asset...I truly am interested
in the preservation of the DNS as is IOD and it's supporters are (yes you will have
cybersquatters on IOD, but with UDRP and IOD's win-win propostion for "volunteer"
return policy, how can you lose or more importantly the consumers/TM for that matter)....By
the way, you imply consumers are incapable of making sound choices on your website
(IN MY OPINION)...This is a slap in the face of ALL IOD supporters...instead we are
referred to what some people call "claim jumpers" (see comments below w/link)...Not
business people making a choice (which a lot of businesses have done, besides myself...Excite
@home, registered Excite.web on IOD): >>>Although he would not comment on specific
alternative registries, Touton in principal questioned whether any domain-name pre-registrations
in unminted TLDs should be honored. "Perhaps it's not fair to give somebody preference
for being what some people call a claim jumper," he said<,1367,38653-2,00.html
Fairness to me is simply respecting, the process of how to deal with a "pioneer"
with a solid (current) application (there was also another application (request for
TLD) filled out by IOD I believe in (1996)---"Fairness??")--I know this current application
is strong as I have reviewed it and so have many others. So far the only negative
comments come from "stealth" posters interestingly who do not wish to state who they
are afiliated with, and others who have asked some pretty tough questions of the
IOD applicant, but were immediately responded to by the applicant...Here is a lesson
in customer service for everyone to see... I know I felt good that this person has
been here every day to answer questions.....This is just another reason why I chose
IOD and stand behind them completely, as they will definitely make the likes of NSI
be accountable to the consumer...Right now your lucky to get an "autoresponder" from
them, if you email them... ...From day one it has been, the time honored (and coveted
principle with respect to the DNS): Can you show prior use, setting up a working
registry (with verifiable running code, and stability (finances, server capability)...Yes,
ICANN has posted "new" requirements for applications to meet...but if those are
your words, fairness SHOULD result...unless...there is influence in this process
Which way does the board will "lean"...most of us are not sure...Frankly when I email
ICANN (the staff), i don't even bother to look at my inbox for for a response ...eerily
it is much like requesting customer service from NSI....and what else should we expect??...You
folks are not accountable to us personally...We did not elect you, nor did we vote
on which staff members were up to the task.. In all fairness this process had to
get started somehow and did need structure, so a body had to be formed (the question
is, is that structure balanced enough to generate confidence in your decisions???)
Please don't think this is a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation...The
latter question by a lay person is quite legitimate, especially when their interests
are clearly at stake..For if it is truly balanced, acceptance of any decisions with
respect to new gTLD's will be much easier.. I really think ICANN missed a golden
opportunity to bring confidence into the process as you should have allowed the newly
elected ICANN At Large board members to have a vote on the new TLDs in Marina del
Ray, at least no one could argue whatever decision was made, that is wasn't fair...
I hope you don't take the above comments as critical, they are meant to be constructive
in that I do believe there is some hope to bring balance to ICANN (indiviual constinuency)...No,
this is more of a wakeup call...I am tired, as I have been fighting for this cause,
for sometime now..which seems to be falling on deaf ears....I do not want big business
to take over the DNS, (which clearly sees dot web as a new revenue source--that is
also in the congressional report where NSI, states, "Our shareholders come first!!!
I think Neustar and Affilias would agree, wouldn't you)...I want competition...and
I want to compete myself...against other dot com's.... Frankly I am fed UP with
NetSol/, and this Neustar New business names, same registrars,
same level of service = very little consumer confidence...However it is funny that
they win the respect of the IPC. IOD on the other hand has had many comments with
respect to it's level of service and commitment to both the consumer and TM owners... So
when you speak about "fairness" ICANN, and being there for the consumer...GIVE ME
A BREAK...I deserve that right to question these comments....You have to earn the
right to speak about fairness...Frankly I have fully researched old contacts at NTIA,
and the ICANN board and I will reserve judgement...but I do have the right to question...
Do not squander this moment to reinforce old time respected values on the internet
(why do you think America has lasted all this time...It's called the Constitution...and
very little has changed to this SIGN of stability...other than the ammendments, which
brought new freedoms (rather than oppressive ones)... The coders were there first,
and do have the right to bring to the ICANN table a "pioneer" registry (in that they
actually developed a working model, before any "players" besides NSI) and TLD (that
by the way, through their efforts have made the TLD very sought after)---IOD is definitely
in a league of its own ...So when you speak about fairness again, watch we
are watching you!! Thank you Gregory W. Krajewski
| |
Link: |
your comments to congress - under oath - 7/99 |
Message Thread:
- General Comments Moderator, October 7 @ 10:40 PM (445/1407)
- This needs to be investigated further and explained in greater detail cgrady, November 6 @ 1:14 AM (0/0)
- The "Individual" Constituency is not represented, but I thought they should!! Gregory W. Krajewski, November 6 @ 12:56 AM (0/0)
- Final Thoughts World Thoughts, November 6 @ 12:39 AM (0/0)
- Too broad or too norrow johnD, November 6 @ 12:38 AM (0/0)
- Plead to ICANN cgrady, November 6 @ 12:20 AM (0/0)
- Compliments to ICANN! Robert_Jacobson, November 6 @ 12:06 AM (0/0)
- IATA APPLICATION FOR TLD susansammons, November 5 @ 11:48 PM (1/1)
- jtrade, November 5 @ 11:43 PM (0/0)
- Questions for applicants re registrars and resellers bfellman, November 5 @ 11:42 PM (0/0)
- Comments on New TLDs -- Motion Picture Association TDD, November 5 @ 11:06 PM (0/0)
- COMMERCIAL CONNECT: Questionable ties lapointe, November 5 @ 10:52 PM (0/0)
- ISPCP on new TLDs sastre, November 5 @ 10:23 PM (1/1)
- Comments on Proposals for New Top Level Domains Business Constituency, November 5 @ 10:16 PM (2/2)
- .union sbenedict, November 5 @ 9:09 PM (0/0)
- .music TLG 200, November 5 @ 6:33 PM (0/0)
- This Forum: Possibly Nothing More Than A Feel-Good Distraction. Just Paranoia? dcorish, November 5 @ 5:41 PM (0/0)
- NSI DOES NOT QUALIFY FOR NEW GTLDS - READ THE PROOF! friedrich, November 5 @ 5:17 PM (0/0)
- “Spectral Web, Inc.’s Comments Regarding the Choice of New Top-Level Domains and Registries” Spectral Web, Inc., November 5 @ 3:34 PM (1/1)
- Final comments huguesdb, November 5 @ 3:31 PM (0/0)
- Fair Decision Jens72, November 5 @ 3:21 PM (1/1)
- Comment on process jweb, November 5 @ 2:42 PM (0/0)
- ICANN: we know you are listening and we are confident in your fairness fabrcop, November 5 @ 10:32 AM (1/1)
- Pioneer Preference is most fair method netizen1, November 5 @ 5:47 AM (0/0)
- More ICANN Bribery? jtrade, November 5 @ 4:02 AM (0/0)
- This is what the law says ... friedrich, November 5 @ 12:43 AM (2/2)
- "Dirt in The Domain Name Game" jtrade, November 5 @ 12:21 AM (1/1)
- General opinion fagzal, November 5 @ 12:07 AM (0/0)
- Mr. Ken Stubbs will officially represent CORE in ICANNs Public Meeting in Los Angeles! friedrich, November 4 @ 11:16 PM (0/0)
- ICANN's vision of TLDs for a new order of cyber civilization R.K. Pillai, November 4 @ 9:03 PM (0/0)
- Dissapointing gTLD suggestions... z00ker, November 4 @ 7:56 PM (0/0)
- NO to IOD SayNoToIOD, November 4 @ 7:46 PM (6/6)
- You still have over an hour to admit your own self interest. anthony 2nd, November 5 @ 11:34 PM (0/0)
- You are boring with your false (and anonymous) statements fabrcop, November 5 @ 9:59 AM (0/0)
- Sir, you have a right to post here, but not to distort the facts... Gregory W. Krajewski, November 4 @ 11:38 PM (0/0)
- Say YES! to IOD first1, November 4 @ 11:05 PM (0/0)
- We all? How many Jim Smith's are you? (poor guy...) Rebeka, November 4 @ 8:45 PM (0/0)
- These allegations are, of course, false cambler, November 4 @ 8:12 PM (0/0)
- Neustar/Melbourne IT/Afilias ... Larry, Moe, & Curly dcorish, November 4 @ 2:39 PM (1/1)
- ICANN: Please correct *NEW* errors before nov 5 Saskia, November 4 @ 1:07 PM (0/0)
- Basic features of the ideal application Rgaetano, November 4 @ 9:43 AM (0/0)
- Afilias Whistle Blower west coast, November 4 @ 8:01 AM (1/1)
- ICANN: You mentioned "fairness" and the "consumer" on your website...I would like to comment... Gregory W. Krajewski, November 4 @ 7:59 AM (1/1)
- Limitation needed, November 4 @ 1:43 AM (1/1)
- A Sunrise Period is Wrong and Unfair Merlin, November 4 @ 1:36 AM (1/1)
- kimc, November 4 @ 12:51 AM (0/0)
- General Policy Statement of Registry Selection Frank Mount, November 3 @ 9:34 PM (0/0)
- REGLAND >>> " L I A R S " Never mentioned by ICANN on "Pre-registrations" AdvantaTel, November 3 @ 9:29 PM (0/0)
- .SHOP to Name.Space, .WEB to IOD, .INFO to Afilias, .SITE to Neustar netizen1, November 3 @ 8:45 PM (0/0)
- American Civil Liberties Union comments on ICANN TLD application process cchiu, November 3 @ 8:40 PM (1/2)
- NeuStar LNP Help Desk chagan, November 3 @ 8:19 PM (0/0)
- YES to .YP - YES TO NEW UNIVERSAL, EFFICIENT and EASY TO USE gTLD's. Juan Pablo Calvo, November 3 @ 8:09 PM (0/0)
- New TLDs John Lewis, November 3 @ 7:50 PM (0/0)
- Trademarks can be protected WITHOUT a Sunrise Period! (New TLDs are needed SOON) fabrcop, November 3 @ 7:13 PM (0/0)
- Strong Vote for .i rgupta, November 3 @ 6:31 PM (0/0)
- Inadequate selection Tim Brown, November 3 @ 6:15 PM (0/0)
- .web doesn't solve the problem tomam, November 3 @ 5:53 PM (2/4)
- Thought Provoking cyber-cynic, November 3 @ 5:12 PM (3/8)
- TLD preregistration SCAM or what davidnrn, November 3 @ 1:58 PM (1/1)
- Scrap NSI entirely. Their human interface is dead. davidnrn, November 3 @ 1:44 PM (0/0)
- ICANN: Please correct errors before nov 5 saskia, November 3 @ 1:04 PM (0/0)
- ICANN Testifying before Congress about many Issues - ON RECORD.... 7/99 Gregory W. Krajewski, November 3 @ 6:33 AM (0/0)
- This whole procedure needs reviewing gt515, November 3 @ 1:31 AM (0/0)
- Avoiding Conflicts of Interest - At last!!! Anthony 2nd, November 3 @ 12:03 AM (1/1)
- Why No TRADEMARK domain???? Jello, November 2 @ 10:35 PM (4/4)
- PCIA Comments on Applications Received by ICANN for Operating New TLDs PCIA, November 2 @ 9:19 PM (1/1)
- .fam TLD beetle, November 2 @ 5:38 PM (0/0)
- CONTRADICTIONS in IPC's comment about IOD/.web application! fabrcop, November 2 @ 1:17 PM (0/0)
- To C.Ambler, IOD: why $15? IODskeptic, November 2 @ 9:32 AM (4/11)
- Nov 1 Status Update VikashPatel, November 2 @ 7:10 AM (0/0)
- Neustar/MelbourneIT is Either Lying or it's Application is Flawed! jtrade, November 2 @ 6:26 AM (0/0)
- Grant .WEB to IODesign // Grant .INFO to Afilias worldwide, November 2 @ 6:16 AM (0/0)
- .MAG would be a good TLD for online MAGAZINES DRrandy, November 2 @ 6:09 AM (0/0)
- Nobody will trust a referee siding with .. cello, November 2 @ 5:27 AM (0/0)
- CORE application is good for everyone Ksoussi, November 2 @ 1:05 AM (0/0)
- Desiderata for new TLDs mc, November 2 @ 12:24 AM (0/0)
- Support "dot co-op" idi1, November 1 @ 6:26 PM (0/0)
- Numeric domain names Gervas, November 1 @ 5:01 PM (0/0)
- ICANN is Not in the business for TM protection.....It's all about the technical aspects of the DNS Gregory W. Krajewski, November 1 @ 4:31 PM (1/1)
- IPC preliminary evaluation of new TLD applications SJMetalitz, November 1 @ 3:53 PM (5/7)
- GREAT COMPANY ManyStores, November 1 @ 3:16 PM (0/0)
- support .museum CAA, November 1 @ 3:13 PM (0/0)
- GREAT COMPANY ManyStores, November 1 @ 3:07 PM (0/0)
- Moral rights fabrcop, November 1 @ 1:59 PM (0/0)
- NO to IATA/TLD jie, November 1 @ 1:57 PM (0/0)
- What's That Foul Smell? jtrade, November 1 @ 9:41 AM (0/0)
- The perfect choice is: IOD/.web , Afilias/.info , Neustar/.site fabrcop, November 1 @ 9:04 AM (0/0)
- The internet should be a utility mayor, November 1 @ 6:14 AM (0/0)
- Who got it right - in absolute numbers pedro, November 1 @ 4:11 AM (1/1)
- MSNBC poll - who got it right pedro, November 1 @ 3:58 AM (0/0)
- .Web, MelbourneIT/Neustar,ICANN Director Greg Crew and Conflict of Interest? jtrade, November 1 @ 2:17 AM (1/1)
- .WEB to IOD and .SHOP to Name.Space netizen1, October 31 @ 10:42 PM (0/0)
- Better format for this board! ville, October 31 @ 10:15 PM (0/0)
- .health TLD LMS, October 31 @ 9:16 PM (0/0)
- Parallel root server with separate database PHXbird, October 31 @ 9:13 PM (0/0)
- All applications should be returned. If-I-can-why-can't-ICANN., October 31 @ 8:59 PM (0/0)
- support .co-op domain mnfc, October 31 @ 2:54 PM (0/0)
- support for .museum taieve, October 31 @ 8:57 AM (0/0)
- Are we all missing the point? cyber-cynic, October 31 @ 7:22 AM (4/9)
- Almostly can't wait..... herrieta, October 31 @ 5:34 AM (0/0)
- support mumber .tel emily, October 31 @ 4:54 AM (0/0)
- support philiptsai, October 31 @ 4:43 AM (0/0)
- New TLDs---->.tel is execellent! philiptsai, October 31 @ 4:23 AM (0/0)
- Cheapest Wins YellowMello, October 31 @ 3:42 AM (1/1)
- Another Law suit? cyber-cynic, October 31 @ 12:05 AM (2/15)
- ICANN: listen to this suggestion and be appreciated all over the world fabrcop, October 30 @ 9:16 PM (0/0)
- Support .health domain eohtlg, October 30 @ 7:09 PM (0/0)
- MAIN CONCERN: commercialization and monopolization gilles, October 30 @ 5:53 PM (0/0)
- Is ICANN pulling a fast one? Anthony 2nd, October 30 @ 11:19 AM (0/0)
- after much research dandb, October 30 @ 4:36 AM (1/1)
- No new generic unrestricted TLDs PLEASE huguesdb, October 29 @ 10:41 PM (3/23)
- Why not ONE dot ALT TLD? itsjpr, October 29 @ 7:25 PM (1/1)
- What do you think? VikashPatel, October 29 @ 3:35 PM (0/0)
- Top Domain Name Holders Merlin, October 29 @ 6:34 AM (1/1)
- Messages From The Past (Just A Stroll Down Archive Lane) Mario, October 29 @ 6:22 AM (0/0)
- Health as a TLD pschloeffel, October 29 @ 2:51 AM (1/1)
- A "fresh" .web database is the only fair approach. CyberCitizen, October 28 @ 11:36 PM (5/5)
- Image Online Design must run .web johnnie, October 28 @ 6:08 PM (0/0)
- IATA barmar, October 28 @ 4:10 PM (0/0)
- we support the trade union proposal rousselot, October 28 @ 11:38 AM (0/0)
- Multilingual TLD (¤¤¤å.com), October 28 @ 8:43 AM (1/1)
- .co-op andrewmoore, October 28 @ 4:53 AM (0/0)
- One thing for sure....Dot Com needs competition......Dot Web is the answer Gregory W. Krajewski, October 28 @ 4:31 AM (0/0)
- Please read for yourself why there is so much Anti-Afilias, Neustar sentiment on this board Gregory W. Krajewski, October 28 @ 4:08 AM (1/1)
- level of conversation Ville, October 27 @ 8:29 PM (0/0)
- "Beware the ICANN Board Squatter" jtrade, October 27 @ 7:28 PM (0/0)
- .co-op TLD support Arnold Oliver, October 27 @ 5:47 PM (2/2)
- Oppose IATA as travel domain provider DBToursInt, October 27 @ 5:45 PM (1/1)
- .co-op support Deborah, October 27 @ 5:17 PM (0/0)
- Dot Museum As Top Level Domain Name Oregon Heritage Commission, October 27 @ 4:19 PM (0/0)
- If We Post About Stubbs, Do We Post Under Afilias? Neustar? Core? Others? pilot2, October 27 @ 1:19 PM (0/0)
- CAE's support of IATA proposal to sponsor a ".travel" TLD isaacs, October 27 @ 11:07 AM (0/0)
- .HEALTH and WHO chriz, October 27 @ 10:54 AM (0/0)
- .kids tld - general observations john.carr, October 27 @ 9:09 AM (2/2)
- Network Solutions and Great and Gregory W. Krajewski, October 27 @ 2:08 AM (1/1)
- Going Offline cambler, October 27 @ 2:03 AM (1/1)
- Supporting new domain name ".co-op" San Luis Valley R.E.C., October 26 @ 10:53 PM (0/0)
- *****DIRECT QUESTIONS TO KEN STUBBS***** Monty, October 26 @ 10:48 PM (0/0)
- Afilias get .web and IOD supporters get their (pre)-Registrations Rebeka, October 26 @ 10:20 PM (1/2)
- IATA support Haymaker, October 26 @ 9:11 PM (0/0)
- ICANN: please post other documents about IOD/.web also (in the correspondence) fabrcop, October 26 @ 6:33 PM (0/0)
- Msnbc-Meeks-Icann Webster, October 26 @ 5:58 PM (4/17)
- Ken Stubbs (Daily News-Nov. 07/99) shawn, October 26 @ 5:44 PM (2/3)
- ZDNet Highlights The MSNBC Article! The Link Is In This Post. pilot2, October 26 @ 4:33 PM (0/0)
- IATA .travel TLD Application ADP, October 26 @ 2:47 PM (0/0)
- The Real Numbers (The Commentary Process Is being PEVERTED) Global View, October 26 @ 1:15 PM (3/4)
- TO ICANN board members, staff, and applicants.........WHERE ARE YOU???? Gregory W. Krajewski, October 26 @ 4:27 AM (1/1)
- .SEX, .XXX, .KIDS TLDs Provide a Freedom of Choice - reply to Ron 1000 lrfarny, October 26 @ 2:42 AM (1/2)
- request for our trademark - answer from NSI - should we now go to whois GD ted, October 26 @ 1:26 AM (0/0)
- Monopoly gets bigger! first1, October 26 @ 12:50 AM (0/0)
- Ken Stubbs condems NSI but Afilias makes the same mistakes! anthony, October 25 @ 11:47 PM (0/0)
- It occurs to me. World Thoughts, October 25 @ 11:38 PM (0/0)
- NSI/Verisign Buys jtrade, October 25 @ 11:33 PM (1/1)
- ICANN IS NOT DEMOCRATIC - President Ether Dyson ted, October 25 @ 11:08 PM (0/0)
- domain name ".co-op" tech, October 25 @ 9:17 PM (1/1)
- How about pioneer preference? Jeffrey, October 25 @ 8:26 PM (0/0)
- MODERATOR! -- Display messages from: 1 day ago etc. -- doesn't work. Rebeka, October 25 @ 6:17 PM (1/2)
- ICANN = NSI? where's the competition? sboisvert, October 25 @ 5:47 PM (0/0)
- undue influence arturo, October 25 @ 5:09 PM (0/0)
- New Domain Name ".co-op" Tricounty, October 25 @ 4:54 PM (0/0)
- To C.Ambler, IOD: QUESTION IODskeptic, October 25 @ 1:15 PM (0/0)
- Dump the dots. jackb_guppy, October 25 @ 1:10 PM (1/1)
- why .dip ? dargento, October 25 @ 10:52 AM (0/0)
- New Registration of eTLD to compliment gTLD and ccTLD available boris7, October 25 @ 8:13 AM (0/0)
- ".tel" Nicole, October 25 @ 5:30 AM (2/3)
- MSNBC Article about ICANN and .Web jtrade, October 25 @ 3:41 AM (2/2)
- Comments Period Must be Extended Even Longer! jtrade, October 25 @ 3:32 AM (1/2)
- Voting on New Tld Applications jtrade, October 24 @ 8:52 PM (0/0)
- Following the rules TheWatcher, October 24 @ 7:15 PM (1/2)
- As I Promised-Question For Chris Ambler CrossFire, October 24 @ 4:57 PM (1/4)
- Choosing wisely concerned, October 24 @ 4:11 PM (0/0)
- MODERATOR Please HELP!!!!! Forum open for comments until Sunday, 5 November 2000. Rebeka, October 24 @ 3:59 PM (1/1)
- .co-op Marlu Lake, October 24 @ 3:24 PM (1/1)
- proposal for handling trademark and conflicting .web registrations pvos, October 24 @ 2:43 PM (2/2)
- Followup Message For Pilot CrossFire, October 24 @ 8:09 AM (2/7)
- DNSO - Noncommerical Constituency Proposal....Any Comments on their ideas Gregory W. Krajewski, October 24 @ 5:01 AM (2/3)
- inane multiple posting dansokol, October 24 @ 4:54 AM (0/0)
- The world is watching....A spirit of "openness" and cooperation needs to exist...Success will result Gregory W. Krajewski, October 24 @ 4:23 AM (0/0)
- Where is the Competition? jtrade, October 24 @ 1:58 AM (1/2)
- Where's the Competition? jtrade, October 24 @ 1:37 AM (0/0)
- New proof of concept?? -- ICM and Blueberry hill brahim_m, October 24 @ 12:22 AM (0/0)
- IOD and Ken Stubbs Merlin, October 24 @ 12:16 AM (1/1)
- .SHARE victim of a $50,000 application fee, October 23 @ 10:49 PM (0/0)
- ICANN - please correct the dead link friedrich, October 23 @ 10:25 PM (1/1)
- NSI Cybersquatting jtrade, October 23 @ 10:14 PM (0/0)
- .WS Claims .WEB Is Unfair. Read .WS E-Mail Exchange With ICANN pilot2, October 23 @ 9:56 PM (2/5)
- Apoyamos la creación de dominio para Cooperativas ronaldag, October 23 @ 9:37 PM (0/0)
- Support for .DIR TLD cstone, October 23 @ 8:24 PM (0/0)
- .co-op shanel, October 23 @ 6:10 PM (2/3)
- Article Touching On Lawsuit Involving NSI And Anti-Trust Matters CrossFire, October 23 @ 6:00 PM (0/0)
- A Solicitation For Readers & Feedback CrossFire, October 23 @ 5:43 PM (3/6)
- The truth about .web (short version) fabrcop, October 23 @ 3:28 PM (0/0)
- The truth about .web (long version) fabrcop, October 23 @ 3:23 PM (0/0)
- coop suffix (TLD) name mikeb, October 23 @ 1:03 PM (1/3)
- .co-op TLD mcremc, October 23 @ 1:02 PM (0/0)
- $2,500,000 Offer to ICANN julie, October 23 @ 7:36 AM (1/2)
- "General Comments" thread by clicking here ALLDNS, October 22 @ 11:45 PM (0/0)
- A note about wiredz... marshm, October 22 @ 4:19 PM (2/2)
- The Public HATES Network Solutions Merlin, October 22 @ 4:49 AM (1/3)
- New Afilias Site global view, October 21 @ 11:34 PM (6/12)
- trademarks and preregistration - through IOD or others ted, October 21 @ 8:58 PM (0/0)
- Remember Citizens Band Radio - CB Radio ALLDNS, October 21 @ 6:34 PM (2/5)
- IOD is not fit to operate Registry SayNoToIOD, October 21 @ 5:40 PM (7/7)
- Drop .web !!! Be creative !!! Say_No_To_Afilias, October 21 @ 5:09 PM (0/0)
- IOD Registrations wiped out - they were only for showing support. Al Gore, October 21 @ 1:33 PM (3/9)
- What TLD's Should I be looking to register? gonzo1977, October 21 @ 9:37 AM (1/1)
- US Centric TLD - again! gpine, October 21 @ 8:14 AM (3/8)
- ICANN & IOD Merlin, October 21 @ 7:00 AM (2/7)
- Just say NO to self proclaimed Registries SayNoToIOD, October 21 @ 5:47 AM (8/13)
- Sherman & Clayton Antitrust Acts & Afilias Merlin, October 21 @ 3:53 AM (1/1)
- About TLDs intended for Childrens applications (as .KIDS): Comments and Recommendations on Proposals vany_martinez, October 21 @ 1:21 AM (1/1)
- My e-mail to Senator Boxer - for public review. friedrich, October 21 @ 12:31 AM (1/4)
- Let's Talk About NeuStar Eliahu, October 20 @ 10:07 PM (2/11)
- Draft-Any Comments? Also, Need Catchy Title For Subject. Facilitator, October 20 @ 10:03 PM (4/15)
- JVTeam not only try to take .web from IOD they avoided paying ICANN its $50,000 Anthony, October 20 @ 10:03 PM (1/2)
- Wanted: Ballot Indicating All Names Of Those Opposed To Afilias & Neustar Facilitator, October 20 @ 9:57 PM (2/3)
- What Date and Time Does This Board Close? Infinity, October 20 @ 9:51 PM (2/3)
- Wanted: Letter That Sums Events To Send To Congress & Agencies Facilitator, October 20 @ 9:50 PM (2/10)
- Neustar/MelbourneIT and .Web Merlin, October 20 @ 9:50 PM (0/0)
- Some Names Council History jtrade, October 20 @ 9:25 PM (0/0)
- Impeach Stubbs Smart, October 20 @ 9:11 PM (0/0)
- = Barbara Boxer's E-Mail Address pilot, October 20 @ 8:59 PM (0/0)
- Vote 'No Confidence' in Ken Stubbs - please resign due to conflict of interest JaseK, October 20 @ 8:39 PM (0/0)
- Who are Local Congress People? Smart, October 20 @ 7:57 PM (2/3)
- Complain to California Attorney General Smart, October 20 @ 7:39 PM (0/0)
- Ken Stubbs is Laughing at YOU>>>>>> whatsupdoc, October 20 @ 7:06 PM (2/5)
- Congress Smart, October 20 @ 6:23 PM (1/3)
- .WEB Registry Ryan4, October 20 @ 6:15 PM (1/1)
- Why Didn't Afilias Include .Shop And Others On Their Application? Eliahu, October 20 @ 5:44 PM (0/0)
- Domain Names With Built-In Brand Equity Will Be Taken Out Of Use Under Afilias Plan! Facilitator, October 20 @ 4:55 PM (0/0)
- New Argument For Opposing Afilias Plan!!! Facilitator, October 20 @ 4:44 PM (0/0)
- Useless julie, October 20 @ 4:13 PM (0/0)
- Lack Of Afilias Representation In This Forum pilot, October 20 @ 4:05 PM (2/2)
- wrong-headed methodology sourceview, October 20 @ 4:01 PM (0/0)
- dispute between CNN and marry2000, October 20 @ 2:57 PM (0/0)
- ICANN - Opportunity to require enforcement of policy ALLDNS, October 20 @ 12:56 AM (0/0)
- AFILIAS - Is it unethical . . . ? ALLDNS, October 20 @ 11:57 AM (1/1)
- CORE apparently unwilling to properly manage US CORE Members ALLDNS, October 20 @ 10:54 AM (1/18)
- Complaints Regarding CASDNS Business Practices Requested ALLDNS, October 20 @ 9:00 AM (0/0)
- Complaints Regarding CORE & ASS Business Practices Requested ALLDNS, October 20 @ 8:48 AM (0/0)
- Afilias:Competition and Ken Stubbs Merlin, October 20 @ 8:26 AM (1/7)
- Affilias vs. Afilias enforcer, October 20 @ 8:23 AM (3/3)
- Top level Domain names - ravicabral, October 20 @ 8:08 AM (1/1)
- Precedent:::: InterNic Permitted **PRE** registrations in 1993 ian-francis-xavier, October 20 @ 6:23 AM (0/0)
- General Observations of the Past Few Days Facilitator, October 20 @ 5:50 AM (0/0)
- September Names Council Meeting! jtrade, October 20 @ 4:53 AM (0/0)
- How Generic are these proposals - internationalisation? internat?, October 20 @ 4:10 AM (0/0)
- Ethics, competition, pioneer rights Hather, October 20 @ 3:45 AM (1/1)
- Network Solutions and Bad Security jtrade, October 20 @ 1:38 AM (0/0)
- Names Council Meeting jtrade, October 20 @ 1:10 AM (2/4)
- more trademark problems in surprising places Judith Oppenheimer, October 20 @ 12:53 AM (0/0)
- ICANN scammed out of $950,000 I agree Merlin, October 20 @ 12:28 AM (0/0)
- Think Afilias is bad, check out a future Communist Government owned registry emc2, October 19 @ 10:28 PM (2/3)
- THE TRUTH: Some trademarks will become invalid. friedrich, October 19 @ 9:33 PM (0/0)
- More Conflict of Interest? jtrade, October 19 @ 8:32 PM (1/1)
- Afilias/NSI - a Cybersquatter in bad faith? Rebeka, October 19 @ 7:22 PM (3/3)
- .traveln traveln, October 19 @ 7:08 PM (2/3)
- Pre-registrations were allowed in 1993 for .com fabrcop, October 19 @ 4:28 PM (3/6)
- Unhappy Customers Merlin, October 19 @ 8:38 AM (0/0)
- Don't be suckered in by those Afilias supporters. What they say is absurd. Instead, support IOD... USC, October 19 @ 8:37 AM (0/0)
- Ken Stubbs,to close for comfort! Merlin, October 19 @ 8:30 AM (0/0)
- Don't be too hasty - use established registrars vicspanner, October 19 @ 7:42 AM (1/5)
- The UDRP will make all discussion concerning initial domain registration useless... zzmars, October 19 @ 6:21 AM (0/0)
- Link to Slide Presentations on NSI's Future Plans RDM, October 19 @ 6:12 AM (1/1)
- IOD Exposed #6 (sex.web) Whistleblower, October 19 @ 5:14 AM (10/13)
- I was impressed because IOD did NOT reserve several domains fabrcop, October 19 @ 4:32 PM (0/0)
- Sir, there is no fire here. For The People, October 19 @ 10:11 AM (1/2)
- cybersquating & speculating is NOT the issue //it's control of INFO by AOL ian-francis-xavier, October 19 @ 7:05 AM (0/0)
- Thanks "Whistle Blower" You managed to get us off topic...which i suspect you wanted... Gregory W. Krajewski, October 19 @ 6:03 AM (0/0)
- Conflict of Interest Defined jtrade, October 19 @ 6:02 AM (0/0)
- Conspiracy? Try Blatant abuse jranes2, October 19 @ 5:55 AM (0/0)
- You Are Unjustly Comparing "Conflict Of Interest" With "Insider Trading" Eliahu, October 19 @ 5:52 AM (0/0)
- Thanks for the compliment! You closet posters only help IOD's postion... Gregory W. Krajewski, October 19 @ 5:41 AM (0/0)
- Scared jtrade, October 19 @ 5:35 AM (0/0)
- Yup... cambler, October 19 @ 5:18 AM (1/1)
- IOD Exposed #5 (the witnesses speak) Whistleblower, October 19 @ 4:48 AM (2/3)
- IOD Exposed #4 (what the court had to say) Whistleblower, October 19 @ 4:37 AM (2/2)
- IOD Exposed #3 Whistleblower, October 19 @ 4:09 AM (2/2)
- IOD Exposed #2 Whistleblower, October 19 @ 4:03 AM (3/4)
- IOD Exposed #1 Whistleblower, October 19 @ 3:44 AM (5/5)
- Only Chartered TLDs dmhwalker, October 19 @ 3:03 AM (1/1)
- Network Solutions and Restraint of Trade jtrade, October 19 @ 12:43 AM (0/0)
- NSI Experienced High Level of Uncollectible Receivables - Latest 10-K RDM, October 19 @ 12:36 AM (1/4)
- ICANN'T TOLERATE CORRUPTION jranes2, October 19 @ 12:35 AM (0/0)
- Why doesn't everyone support IOD? Doc again, October 18 @ 11:41 PM (0/0)
- Interesting Article RDM, October 18 @ 11:35 PM (2/3)
- Did Ken Stubbs Have Access To IOD's Application Before Afillias Submitted? Mr. Lawrence1, October 18 @ 11:32 PM (3/13)
- I want a .LOVE not a .WAR ! OrlandoMM, October 18 @ 10:43 PM (0/0)
- .kids domain prshaw, October 18 @ 10:15 PM (0/0)
- How does ICANN Vote? Merlin , October 18 @ 9:47 PM (3/3)
- My Internet, your Internet, our Internet! friedrich, October 18 @ 9:07 PM (0/0)
- ICANN Will Pick Afilias? Eliahu, October 18 @ 8:53 PM (3/3)
- Oversight RDM, October 18 @ 8:17 PM (1/2)
- ICANN is the cause of the indignation, NOT IOD supporters vdfman, October 18 @ 7:56 PM (0/0)
- For ICANN to award .web to Afilias would be a massive anti-trust issue. Hudgens, October 18 @ 7:43 PM (1/1)
- Just got "bulk-mailed" by NSI PHXbird, October 18 @ 7:18 PM (0/0)
- After thorough research of applications, I agree with IOD... zzmars, October 18 @ 6:50 PM (0/0)
- IOD supporters make the news! ludacris, October 18 @ 5:59 PM (0/0)
- ¼¼°è °¢±¹ ¾ð¾î·Î Æ÷·³ÀÌ °³¼³µÇ¾î¾ß Çϸç, ¼¼°è ¸ðµç »ç¶÷ÀÇ Àǻ簡 ÀÚÀ¯·Ó°Ô Ç¥½ÃµÇ¾î¾ß ÇÑ´Ù. JP Kim, October 18 @ 5:50 PM (0/0)
- Proposition to ICANN, Applicants & Internet Community Pistoff, October 18 @ 5:33 PM (0/0)
- Network Solutions Scandal Merlin, October 18 @ 4:46 PM (0/0)
- Real People Don't Care philberent, October 18 @ 4:05 PM (5/9)
- Timing of Decision Making Process Pistoff, October 18 @ 3:46 PM (1/1)
- name-space knows how to do it asw, October 18 @ 12:32 AM (1/1)
- The importance of Meaning and Generality Filip, October 18 @ 12:24 AM (0/0)
- Ken Stubbs has links to 15 TLDs!! doc again, October 18 @ 11:53 AM (1/1)
- IOD = excellent customer service treherne, October 18 @ 9:30 AM (1/1)
- Neustar and Afilias Bid to Steal .Web jtrade, October 18 @ 1:47 AM (2/2)
- David vs Goliath CBK, October 18 @ 1:28 AM (0/0)
- registration is highly questionable. zeo, October 17 @ 11:13 PM (2/2)
- No monopolies please RKnight, October 17 @ 9:59 PM (1/6)
- Why all the focus on ONE TLD? lapointe, October 17 @ 8:37 PM (1/15)
- Neustar Attempting to BRIBE ICANN? jtrade, October 17 @ 8:12 PM (0/0)
- Throwing out the .kid with the .xxx bathwater. markusbaccus, October 17 @ 8:09 PM (1/3)
- World Thoughts, A Must Read jtrade, October 17 @ 7:42 PM (4/34)
- Ken Stubbs & Conflict Of Interest Policy RDM, October 17 @ 6:16 PM (0/0)
- Interesting Article RDM, October 17 @ 5:46 PM (1/4)
- Want to see another monopoly? ForgetTheHype, October 17 @ 5:41 PM (5/48)
- Any Connection With Afilias? (i.e. Affiliate Program) Mario, October 17 @ 5:37 PM (0/0)
- IOD Court Ruling - FACTS ForgetTheHype, October 17 @ 5:26 PM (1/1)
- IOD deserves .WEB, stop the monopoly IraChandler, October 17 @ 4:46 PM (1/1)
- Support for Image Online Design URLMerchant, October 17 @ 4:12 PM (1/2)
- Pre-Registration, even in .WEB, is premature zzmars, October 17 @ 4:06 PM (3/3)
- This process is extremely complicated especially if you don't speak English!! Neila, October 17 @ 3:27 PM (1/1)
- We Need Help! ChrisT, October 17 @ 2:50 PM (0/0)
- IOD should be the owner of .WEB Addresses Rhoades, October 17 @ 2:45 PM (0/0)
- Summary fabrcop, October 17 @ 1:34 PM (0/0)
- IO Design is clearly the owner of .web chichit, October 17 @ 1:31 PM (1/1)
- It's all been said vinny, October 17 @ 12:48 AM (1/1)
- ICANN, WHY WON'T YOU COMMENT ON THE KEN STUBBS ISSUE? anthony, October 17 @ 11:32 AM (1/1)
- IOD .WEB Michael Fox, October 17 @ 9:22 AM (1/1)
- Ethical Suicide Merlin, October 17 @ 9:16 AM (1/1)
- no .WEB at all Makla, October 17 @ 8:52 AM (2/3)
- The Tangled .WEB They Weave.... jtrade, October 17 @ 7:28 AM (1/1)
- Register .WEB Andy, October 17 @ 7:17 AM (1/1)
- About any proposed gTLD with strings and acronyms that implies geographical regions and .GEO vany_martinez, October 17 @ 7:06 AM (0/0)
- Monopolies MUST be stopped C.Bell, October 17 @ 7:02 AM (1/1)
- My history with NSI.. ** Please write YOURS ****** rantawi, October 17 @ 6:51 AM (0/0)
- About .KIDS, .WOMEN, .XXX and .SEX vany_martinez, October 17 @ 6:37 AM (1/2)
- Neustar Attempting to BRIBE ICANN for .WEB? jtrade, October 17 @ 6:29 AM (0/0)
- Posting of Applications & Legal bills (applicant for .web # 3) BELLC, October 17 @ 6:27 AM (0/0)
- Messages Commenting on gTLDs were Censored keith246, October 17 @ 4:29 AM (0/0)
- Most People not know what mean .pro .nom .biz .dir ... JP Kim, October 17 @ 4:21 AM (0/0)
- Parody gTLDs must be restricted to be permitted by the courts keith246, October 17 @ 4:07 AM (0/0)
- Concrete Name is more good for ASIA and Africa, East Europe, Latin America people. JP Kim, October 17 @ 3:58 AM (1/1)
- The issue isn't which 3 letters follow the last dot keith246, October 17 @ 3:54 AM (0/0)
- Unrestricted gTLDs will waste the resource and solve nothing keith246, October 17 @ 3:42 AM (1/8)
- WEB TLD's swallace, October 17 @ 3:37 AM (2/3)
- BE FAIR billlevy, October 17 @ 2:17 AM (0/0)
- Explanation please... huguesdb, October 17 @ 12:55 AM (2/6)
- IOD .Web supporters and those for Competition jtrade, October 17 @ 12:19 AM (2/2)
- .WEB TLD vd, October 17 @ 12:15 AM (3/3)
- web registry tennis, October 16 @ 9:51 PM (0/0)
- Support for Image Online Design and the .web TLD Hudgens, October 16 @ 9:47 PM (4/6)
- We all want .web, can Afilias and IOD run it together? Stoertebeker, October 16 @ 8:06 PM (1/1)
- Merlin, October 16 @ 7:09 PM (0/0)
- Jon Postel's words Reidar, October 16 @ 6:24 PM (2/2)
- Ken Stubbs - VP & Director of iDomain, Inc. (Another Applicant) RDM, October 16 @ 6:18 PM (0/0)
- Ken Stubbs/Sunrise Period Merlin, October 16 @ 6:11 PM (0/0)
- TLD applications .kids algajola24, October 16 @ 5:44 PM (0/0)
- Read the applications: IODesign is the best choice for .web fabrcop, October 16 @ 5:36 PM (0/0)
- Vote to extend discussion forum emc2, October 16 @ 5:17 PM (1/1)
- Now you can pre-register for the 7 new TLD's .firm, .shop, .arts, .rec, .info, .nom and .web free! Rebeka, October 16 @ 4:56 PM (2/8)
- Password Revoked Second Time TheWebster2, October 16 @ 4:10 PM (5/10)
- There are other applications to consider lapointe, October 16 @ 3:19 PM (0/0)
- No advantage for IOD for their bad business pratice KMalorny, October 16 @ 2:52 PM (2/5)
- Questions for C.Ambler (IOD) IODskeptic, October 16 @ 10:19 AM (1/5)
- Ken Stubbs - how many apps are you involved with? jandl, October 16 @ 8:46 AM (1/1)
- ICANN: I am waiting for answers from the respective APPLICANTS in this FORUM! friedrich, October 16 @ 8:12 AM (3/4)
- Cookie Web-bugs use explodes with additional generic TLDs davebr, October 16 @ 8:12 AM (0/0)
- Moderator, where are you? pedro, October 16 @ 5:46 AM (3/3)
- Reply to Hold on a second... — marshm, emc2, October 16 @ 5:08 AM (0/0)
- Delay Selection of New GTLDs Until New Board Members Added enforcer, October 16 @ 4:20 AM (1/1)
- Name-Space fred, October 16 @ 3:54 AM (1/2)
- Are we missing the point here? marshm, October 16 @ 3:35 AM (3/3)
- How can Stubbs be removed from ICANN? mmtb1111, October 16 @ 2:42 AM (1/1)
- Want accept all TLDs, .art .trade .market .music ... kim, October 16 @ 1:50 AM (3/5)
- Just LOOK at this place! (3 main issues) anthony, October 16 @ 1:32 AM (0/0)
- How can we comment on un-posted TLD applications ?? & trademarks issue emc2, October 16 @ 12:05 AM (2/3)
- Is .web not an 'alternate root system'? huguesdb, October 16 @ 12:03 AM (2/6)
- Honoring Existing Contracts Mr. Lawrence, October 15 @ 11:45 PM (0/0)
- We are so caught up, we are forgetting one thing. For The People, October 15 @ 11:38 PM (1/2)
- Go IOD ! treherne, October 15 @ 11:19 PM (0/0)
- Password Revoked TheWebster, October 15 @ 10:28 PM (1/1)
- Project Trojan Horse TheWebster1, October 15 @ 10:24 PM (1/1)
- _ Ken Stubbs Should Step Down From ICANN or Afilias. internet78, October 15 @ 8:21 PM (0/0)
- If Afilias has so much power, why do they not flood this message board with supporters? Stoertebeker, October 15 @ 8:20 PM (2/6)
- If ICANN decides that Name.Space has the best application - do they get ALL their new TLD names? Rebeka, October 15 @ 7:34 PM (2/6)
- An Open Letter to IOD Supporters cambler, October 15 @ 7:31 PM (4/7)
- A 60 day sunrise period! first1, October 15 @ 7:09 PM (0/0)
- Time frame for new TLDs kularski, October 15 @ 6:29 PM (0/0)
- Network Solutions SPOOKY Past Merlin, October 15 @ 6:26 PM (1/1)
- I am horrified by a sunrise period for the Afilias Cartel!!! Rebeka, October 15 @ 5:52 PM (3/13)
- Afilias limits regestration to 10 years max!! Anthony, October 15 @ 5:35 PM (1/1)
- TO ALL POSTERS: - Please list your name and Where you are from...ALSO more on our Grassroot Efforts Gregory W. Krajewski, October 15 @ 5:31 PM (0/0)
- Afilias - 100% conflict of interest pedro, October 15 @ 5:22 PM (0/0)
- Has the creation of AFILIAS been approved by respective authorities having supervision of cartels? friedrich, October 15 @ 5:02 PM (1/1)
- A matter of Public Trust mhubbard, October 15 @ 4:51 PM (0/0)
- IOD meets the criteria for stability, Affilias does not. doc, October 15 @ 2:23 PM (1/28)
- The Comment Process to-date - An analysis TRUTH BE TOLD, October 15 @ 11:42 AM (2/2)
- same opinions PSH, October 15 @ 9:33 AM (1/4)
- Ken Stubs - Insider TheWebster, October 15 @ 9:29 AM (0/0)
- ICANN - how do you grant equal chances for all, to register new TLD's on day 1? Rebeka, October 15 @ 8:59 AM (3/17)
- It's the same feeling. LGW, October 15 @ 8:54 AM (2/7)
- Can of worms pedro, October 15 @ 8:29 AM (1/2)
- I am confident in ICANN's fairness fabrcop, October 15 @ 7:21 AM (2/11)
- (=Afilias) is unable to handle new TLD's Rebeka, October 15 @ 6:32 AM (2/2)
- PROTEST pedro, October 15 @ 5:44 AM (2/9)
- Impropriety Not Likely jranes, October 15 @ 2:57 AM (2/2)
- TO THE MODERATOR: Can discussions be broken out by TLDs? Robert_Jacobson, October 15 @ 2:49 AM (1/1)
- DO NOT ADD .XXX or .SEX CHOOSE MORE WISELY Frank S., October 15 @ 2:34 AM (1/1)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ATTENTION: ICANN icann_, October 15 @ 2:20 AM (1/3)
- Ken Stubbs - CPA TheWebster, October 15 @ 1:37 AM (0/0)
- KEN STUBBS - SHAME ON YOU Frank S., October 15 @ 1:22 AM (0/0)
- Praise to IOD q, October 15 @ 1:13 AM (0/0)
- Keep NSI OUT! kodo, October 15 @ 1:10 AM (0/0)
- A Recommendation to Posters, A Call to ICANN For The People, October 15 @ 1:01 AM (0/0)
- SPECULATION friedrich, October 15 @ 12:19 AM (1/2)
- a comment on the .web tld economist, October 14 @ 11:57 PM (1/1)
- This board is an embarassment BrianC, October 14 @ 11:51 PM (5/11)
- Quotes from the Afilias fact sheet. hoffy, October 14 @ 10:58 PM (1/1)
- TO ICANN: Merlin, October 14 @ 10:48 PM (1/1)
- ICANN in an Attempt to Censor our Posts? Merlin, October 14 @ 10:31 PM (1/1)
- SMOKE & MIRRORS TRUTH BE TOLD, October 14 @ 9:23 PM (3/3)
- Ken Stubbs - Caught in the act? joshwa, October 14 @ 9:13 PM (0/0)
- I support Afilias and registered Afilias.web today! Stoertebeker, October 14 @ 9:05 PM (2/2)
- NSI and in Bed Together Merlin, October 14 @ 9:03 PM (1/1)
- Message from Saudi Arabia - TRUTH about NSI and IOD rantawi, October 14 @ 8:14 PM (0/0)
- .Web phelix00, October 14 @ 8:08 PM (1/1)
- KEN STUBBS - WHO IS HE ? (I THINK WE ALL KNOW) lew, October 14 @ 7:21 PM (0/0)
- TO THE ICANN BOARD MEMBERS: Dot Web/IOD /Supporters are getting ORGANIZED..Building a Website! Gregory W. Krajewski, October 14 @ 6:52 PM (6/9)
- How can one comment when the apps are not posted? jandl, October 14 @ 6:28 PM (1/2)
- Http:// Merlin, October 14 @ 6:12 PM (0/0)
- Fragmenting the net jandl, October 14 @ 5:57 PM (0/0)
- NO IMAGE ONLINE AS A .WEB contract jtuttle, October 14 @ 5:48 PM (6/8)
- URGENT: Please watch this video of Ken Stubbs proving his abusive self-interest Infinity, October 14 @ 5:43 PM (2/4)
- .SEX, .XXX, .KIDS TLDs Restrict Freedom of Speech ron10000, October 14 @ 5:10 PM (8/8)
- Opportunity for WWW to set a global standard iceberg, October 31 @ 3:32 PM (0/0)
- IT'S ABOUT OUR KIDS ! ! ! AdvantaTel, October 18 @ 12:41 AM (0/0)
- Quit hair-splitting. That's not what these domains are for. lrfarny, October 17 @ 3:32 AM (0/0)
- Red-Light & Green Space TLD (fact v. fiction) mpalage, October 17 @ 2:32 AM (0/0)
- .XXX, .SEX, ect kularski, October 14 @ 10:21 PM (0/0)
- .sex and .xxx domains sairanx, October 14 @ 10:00 PM (0/0)
- "Restrictive" TLDs PHXbird, October 14 @ 8:53 PM (0/0)
- What??!! americeo, October 14 @ 5:27 PM (0/0)
- IMAGE ONLINE IS DESERVING OF .WEB contract chicagoan, October 14 @ 5:07 PM (2/5)
- IOD the .web pioneer first1, October 14 @ 5:06 PM (2/6)
- Application by Image Online Design sduncan, October 14 @ 5:04 PM (3/7)
- Permission granted! Permission NEVER revoked! larreeee, October 14 @ 5:01 PM (1/4)
- Why is this even happening... bags, October 14 @ 4:56 PM (2/2)
- Separation of Registry and Registrar Functions RobS, October 14 @ 4:56 PM (1/1)
- IOD has acted in Good Faith Robert Garner, October 14 @ 4:17 PM (1/1)
- Another Monopol ? Killah, October 14 @ 3:55 PM (0/0)
- ICANN SCAMMED OUT OF ( $950,000 ) BY AFILIAS CARTEL! AdvantaTel, October 14 @ 3:53 PM (2/12)
- Vote for .Web / Vote for IOD anthony, October 14 @ 3:25 PM (2/3)
- .WEB MDS, October 14 @ 2:33 PM (2/7)
- Have you ever dealt with NSI? mpayette, October 14 @ 2:23 PM (0/0)
- A general question to ICANN cgrady, October 14 @ 7:43 AM (2/6)
- Ken Stubbs & Conflicts of Interest Policy RDM, October 14 @ 5:10 AM (2/3)
- EOI #22...I'm throwing my support to the IOD's .web registry USC, October 14 @ 4:57 AM (0/0)
- Keep NSI out cbk, October 14 @ 3:52 AM (0/0)
- .SEX, .XXX, .KIDS TLDs Restrict Freedom of Speech ron10000, October 14 @ 3:31 AM (0/0)
- NSI monopoly! first1, October 14 @ 1:48 AM (3/4)
- Keep NSI Out Attorney, October 14 @ 1:37 AM (1/2)
- Keep NSI out pedro, October 14 @ 12:49 AM (0/0)
- After having read most of the applications: .WEB and IOD are the obvious choices saskia, October 13 @ 11:11 PM (3/3)
- Why applicants for a TLD should pay 50 000 $ lpele, October 13 @ 10:28 PM (2/3)
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