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Username: RDM
Date/Time: Tue, October 17, 2000 at 7:56 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: May I Amplify A Point


If we take a step back, I think you will find that Mr. Brittain along with many others that purchased .Web names early on in the process are as much of the pioneering spirit as is IOD.

This guy saw a marketing opportunity, weighed the risks, and became a pioneer himself by taking a leap of faith and putting his money on a class-A registrar with a vision that is only now being confirmed by other competing applicants.  The database of 20,000 plus .Web domain names speaks volumes to applicants such as Afilias.

Irregardless of whether, or not, you agree with Mr. Brittain's motivation for purchasing such domain names, ask yourselves one very important question (this goes for ICANN as well), "What contribution did I make over the past several years to help bring this vision to life."  You may counter that their money made no contribution at all.  I would simply disagree with you.  They've all helped bring IOD's vision to life.

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