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Username: friedrich
Date/Time: Sun, October 15, 2000 at 2:51 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows NT 4.0
Score: 5
Subject: JUMPING to conclusions ...


                       Dear "truth be told"
Tell us the truth:
In the last forum the problems of the sunrise period were already discussed at length. Do you inted to lead this forum into the mud?

Please read trademark law first + the respective commentaries, forget about your own interest for a few minutes and then tell me:

What has a simple adress to do with trademarks?

If you find no answer, you may still find a good job, as you are advocating big businesses who very much like the "sunrise period" they can profit from. But not so the public.

Trademark law is generally easy to understand and fair.
But that may just be the reason why some people now tried to change it and create a new situation for their own profit.
Under conservative trademark law, a "sunrise period" makes no sense.



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