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Username: Webster
Date/Time: Sun, October 15, 2000 at 4:05 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: We need a solution


-----I personally feel that IOD's application should be evaluated based upon the quality of their application and plan------------

I Agree, 

Each of us should be objective in how we evaluate all applications regardless of our preconcevied notions.  Every application is unique and requires detailed analysis to fully comprehend.  Only thru constructive assesment can we effectivly communicate to ICANN
hoping that they are listening.   

ICANN is not going to make a selection based upon the quality
of insults, accusations or threats posted here. 

So lets be productive, thoughtful and give feedback that can be incorporated into ICANNs decision making process.  

The Following is ICANNs template for assessing  the new tld proposals. 

Review each application using these criteria.
Your assessment might impact their decision.




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