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Username: Rgaetano
Date/Time: Sat, November 4, 2000 at 9:43 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 95
Score: 5
Subject: Basic features of the ideal application



When I posted comments on the criteria for gTLDs, I indicated some basic features that IMHO the ideal application should have.
The major were:
- geographical diversity (i.e. the Registry located not where the current monopoly Registry for gTLDs is located)
- TLD string for potential wide use, in order to constitute an effective competition factor
- wide registration network, i.e. possibility for Registrars all over the world to act in the resale chain
- solidity of the company, to avoid as much as possible business failures
Given this, and having rapidly checked the applications, it seems to me that at least one fulfils all these basic requirements: .nom as proposed by CORE, that will have:
- a Registry outside North America (in Europe)
- wide potential, with the additional bonus of addressing the individual families, and not the business
- a network of existing registrars worldwide, and a shared registry that will accept registrations from all ICANN accredited registrars
- years of existence, and already experience as testbed ICANN accredited registrar
IMHO, this application is a necessary component of the TLD testbed, although there are others that fulfill these requirements at least partially.
I respectfully ask the ICANN Board to consider these factors in choosing the (hopefully 6 to 10, as indicated by the consensus of WG-C) new TLD Registries.


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