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Username: gilles
Date/Time: Mon, October 30, 2000 at 5:53 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 95
Score: 5
Subject: MAIN CONCERN: commercialization and monopolization


      To everybody and Icann,

Today most national registrars do have a dialog with a national government. These dialogs most often will make sure a registrar is acting fair. Fair rates (just covering expenses) and making sure everybody has an opportunity to register.

But most of the present applications are commercially inspired. Unless these new registrars will have to comply to a set of rules that will ensure the possibility of all to register and that registration fees will be very low. Small companies and companies in less developed countries will then also be able to register. The new registrar should also not be allowed to demand certain formalities some will not be able to fulfill. This in order to assure no dicrimination will take place.

Berend de Vries

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