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Username: Gregory W. Krajewski
Date/Time: Sun, October 15, 2000 at 5:31 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: TO ALL POSTERS:  - Please list your name and Where you are from...ALSO more on our Grassroot Efforts


This is just for your own "creditability"...This is in the spirit of openness and good debate...I just had to respond to a gentlemen by the name of "BrianC"....this is perplexing to me as I do not know who I am responding to...Nonetheless I responded inkind...(he may not like the if you post in stealth..your going to eat it creditability wise)
Lastly just an update on our organization of our grassroot efforts for Dot Web and IOD support.. I informed everyone that I would be leading this cause...I was informed that a website and effort has already been underway, so I will step down from building the website, but have added some suggestions as to it's make up, etc...What I really want the ICANN BOARD, STAFF to see is that the IOD and Dot Web supporters are representative a mirror image of the internet community and very diverse in its global make-up...We are a spirited bunch that includes lawyers, big business, small business, advocacy groups and individuals from around the globe..I would like for the ICANN BOARD, Staff to see that IOD's application for DOT WEB is a strong one...They were the first to post their application on their website in a "spirit of openness"...If anyone has ever wrote a business plan, and a good one, this one beats any I have seen hands down...It paints a realistic picture of its prospects, which are just as good as the consortium only better (in my opinion--we have seen what a monopoly does to price/innovation,etc) all the while in a systematic manner showing how it will perform, both financially and technically...

So to the ICANN BOARD, STAFF, dot web supporters and detractors:  Our group is committed...We have a very strong grass root effort building (which began some 4 years ago)...Let's keep offering fact and some of our opinions, but let's do this in a open manner...Please leave your name (at least at a minimum and a spirit of openness)...for those in different countries it would be nice to see where you are from...What I suggest us dot web supporters do, is to post under the heading I will create below, under the Dot Web Registry area...Continue to post to my link as that will straighten them out....Someone commented that our posts are hard to discern as they are everywhere..that is fine as we are passionate, but we need to organize in one location and in a straight line post...So Let's show ICANN our position! and thanks!

Gregory W. Krajewski
South Dakota - United States
Dot Web Supporter/Organizer


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