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Username: CrossFire
Date/Time: Tue, October 24, 2000 at 7:19 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Please Let Me Explain



As many have stated on this forum in the past, the responses from certain individuals seem to indicate that the applications (including IOD's) have not been read entirely, or even on a cursory basis.  I will also admit that I'm not a techie, thus there are various sections in the IOD application that do not make sense to me.  This is why I read many comments on this bulletin board including those from Merlin, Pilot, and you.  I'm looking for a watered-down summarized version of the issues that I can comprehend.  Am I alone in this?

I do not wish to offend you, but please remember that other members of your audience are also not techies, thus, they too may not even attempt to look at IOD's application for this very reason.  I'm not making any excuses for them or myself, that's just reality.  In addition, everyone's lives are extremely busy these days, including my own.  They may not have the time to dwell into the details of the applications and grasp the bigger picture.  That's why the information on the bulletin board is so pertinent and critical.  The issue is one of communication.  Am I wrong to make this assumption?

With regards to my previous reply, I was wondering why you didn't make any comments directly on this bulletin board regarding IOD's dispute policy plan.  The plan posted on the message board made a very powerful statement to me because it was right there for me to see.  Also, I'm not suggesting that the entire application be posted on the bulletin board.  Please note that the problem is not you, but readers such as myself.  You need to be sensative to this part of your audience as well.  And for the most part, you have.  That's all.  Again, my absolute and sincerest apologies if I offended you in any way.


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