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Username: fabrcop
Date/Time: Sun, October 15, 2000 at 1:11 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 95
Score: 5
Subject: It's important that we know what really happened


Actually IOD was involved in two court cases:

1) Against IAHC: the case was suspended by intervention of the
   US Government (!) that stopped the IAHC plan.
2) To have trademark rights on the string ".web":
   the case was lost by IODesign

However, this is not important.

It is important that we all know what happened on July 31, 1996
in IANA offices: IANA did authorize IOD to start the .web registry
and to take real registrations, promising that the registry would
be put into the A-root server in a few months.

This was verified during the Court case.
Actually the case was not won by IOD (it was suspended),
however, there are Court documents proving IANA's promise:
this is the most important result for our discussions.


Fabrizio Coppola


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