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Username: Gregory W. Krajewski
Date/Time: Mon, October 30, 2000 at 4:00 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Why  "SayNo" is wrong....


              SayNoToIOD wrote:

>At the same time there are some beautiful suggestions, like
.kids .fam .biz .tel .cool .art which will distinguish whole classes
of web sites making navigation easy and making an escape from
the cogested .com space. In this regard I disagree with you.,

Sir, this public forum has been up for a week or so...I don't see your moniker (as of this post) under any of the application .kids, .fam, etc (as of this post)..Shows your limited belief in what your saying...

My point being you post under "SayNoToIOD"...that right there states your position in a spirit of "cloak"....Also your point is illogical as you say, .kids, .fam will distinguish between whole classes of websites to make things easier to navigate and basically make you free of dot so?  If you don't have something to compete with dot com, you will end up with a few registrations for .kids, .fam and still have the same problem...why so many of us back IOD and the dot web...However in time, .kids and .fam will be of use...(they shouldn't be seen as solutions to our existing problem--false belief)


>>I hope that ICANN will make the right desision by dropping the
generic non-restricted TLDs and will adopt .kids .fam .biz .tel .cool .art and alike.

Say No To IOD<<

Well, sir, either you have a direct link to ICANN and didn't need to dazzle them with your hollow arguments, or you actually believe posting under the name Say No To IOD, will give credence to your comments....I think the latter...Come out of  the closet sir, bring out real arguments, and don't make it so obvious that you have a few hundred dot com domains, but haven't been able to sell as the market is waiting for the outcome in November...My business, Killer.web is what I wait for...and have been for some however plan for a more favorable outcome that will make dotcom's more valuable...I betting you will lose...I just have a hunch..

TO ICANN:  Let's not divide the namespace, let's get down to the brass taxes of what the internet needs...If you widdle down the comments on this board it basically comes down to the needs of the user...Time and time again, dot web has come up...time and time again, a company, IOD, has stood behind it's pioneer registry and now it's application...

My questions for all to answer would be:  Does the DNS need competition (YES/NO)Do we need a TLD that will drive down the "lock-in" value of dot com (YES/NO)  Do you believe that Dot WEB will represent interests from all countries that may not have the same (verbage) (YES/NO), and Lastly Do you believe that IOD has a registry in place, that with it's strong application, will improve confidence in this system were fighting for (YES/NO)....

Gregory W. Krajewski

Thank you.



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