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Username: jweb
Date/Time: Sun, November 5, 2000 at 2:42 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 95
Score: 5
Subject: Comment on process


        If a DNS structure were to be designed from scratch today, I imagine it would take a very different form from the idiosyncratic system that has resulted from the ad-hoc evolution of the internet. The introduction of new gTLD's is both an opportunity for ICANN to establish some discipline and structure to the DNS in order to establish a flexible and scalable system while recognising and addressing some of the aforementioned idiosyncrasies that have arisen over the last decade. In particular, I feel that the IOD situation is an anomaly which ICANN, who have inherited the mantle previously held by IANA at al. , should endeavour to resolve fairly. 
Whatever the outcome, it is of paramount importance that ICANN provide full disclosure on the reasons for their decisions. It would also be desirable if ICANN included some response to the issues raised in this forum, in particular the conflict of interest matters.


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