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Username: BrianC
Date/Time: Sun, October 15, 2000 at 5:27 AM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.75 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Reading is not considering


While I personally believe that the ICANN staff will not read messages that are clearly negative, insulting and accusational, it should be noted that there is a great difference between reading and considering.

Maybe ICANN is reading all of the posts. But do you honestly think that the ICANN staff will give much credence to posters who insult, threaten and accuse? I highly doubt it. How much influence you have is directly proportional to the amount of credibility you have. When you insult, threaten and make statements that just aren't true, your credibility goes down. It doesn't take a law school graduate to figure that out.

I believe that there should be great concern over the involvement of Ken Stubbs in this process. It would certainly appear that there is a conflict of interest. However, insulting Ken Stubbs will not do any good. A well-written message stating your concern over his involvement will be received better than a message calling him evil, a liar, etc.

And while I support IOD in their bid for .web, I must admit it is very apparent that many of the IOD supporters here have not read the Afilias application. Network Solutions does not control Afilias. Afilias is a Limited Liability Company whose members each have 5.2631% ownership of the entity. Their Operating Agreement clearly states that no one member can own more than 11% of the organization. I highly suggest that interested parties read the Operating Agreement. It clearly evidences the fact that Afilias is not an evil cartel run by NSI.

If IOD is to be selected, it will have to be on the merits of IOD's own application. Arguments and claims regarding Afilias will not lead to IOD's selection. It's imperative that all posters here cease the insults, threats and accusations. They can do no good for the IOD cause, and they have the potential to do it a lot of harm.

Link: Afilias, LLC Operating Agreement

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