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Username: SJMetalitz
Date/Time: Wed, November 1, 2000 at 3:53 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.51 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: IPC preliminary evaluation of new TLD applications


Using the Safeguard Principles for
Evaluating New TLD Applications that was jointly developed by the
Intellectual Property and Business Constituencies, and the five criteria listed by ICANN in paragraph 8 of its Criteria for
Assessing TLD Proposals (August 15 20000) as guides, the Intellectual
Property Constituency of DNSO has reviewed each of the forty-four applications for
new TLDs posted by ICANN which remain active. We have given each of the
proposals a preliminary rating on the five ICANN criteria on a scale ranging from "Good" to
"Satisfactory" to "Unsatisfactory" to "Insufficient Information" and have
provided a brief commentary to explain our ratings.

We encountered some difficulties in this undertaking. The
applications are lengthy and in many cases do not provide the precision that
would enable our evaluation to be as crisp as we might like. In addition, we
like all the others reviewing the applications, did not have as much time as
we would have liked. Nonetheless, these caveats notwithstanding, we believe
that the analysis represents a fair initial evaluation of the
applications, which we hope will be useful to the Board in deciding which new
TLDs should be approved.

The preliminary evaluation may be found on the IPC website, at

Steve Metalitz
President, DNSO IPC   


Link: IPC preliminary evaluation chart

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