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Username: Mario
Date/Time: Sun, October 29, 2000 at 6:22 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Messages From The Past (Just A Stroll Down Archive Lane)


Amazing what you might find when spending a few hours and going through a few hundred e-mail messages in various archives.  Below are two items that I thought would be of interest to some.

First Item:
>On Sun, 30 Jun 1996, Karl Denninger, MCSNet wrote:
>In particular, .COM *RUNS OFF THE ROOTS RIGHT NOW* and has what -- >400,000 entries?
If I understand the information correctly, about 400,000 .Com domain names had already been registered as of June, 1996.  Assuming this information is roughly in the ball park, then isn't this number significantly higher than the 20,000+ .Web domains names that have been registered thus far?  Also, I don't recall the public having access to .Com domain names in June, 1996, or for several years thereafter.  Yet, everyone has always had access to .Web domain names.  Finally, I suspect that the ratio of .Com domain names registered (up through the time the public was just given access) to the 20,000+ .Web domain names registered thus far would be staggering.  If so, then why all the fuss over a measly 20,000+ .Web domain names?  Interesting.

Second Item:
>From: Michael Dillon[]
>On Sun, 30 Jun 1996, Greg A. Woods wrote:
>Instead I'd like to propose that we consider ways in which we could >make it possible to close COM.
>One way in which we could close .COM would be to open up the iTLD >name space adding a significant number of new domains, 100-500 would >od the trick. After a period of time everyone will choose newer more >fashionable domains, .com registrations will languish and when the >possibility of closing .com is suggested, most people will agree. >The End.

Seems that these guys knew way back in 1996 that adding more fashionable domain names would have a significant negative impact on .Com domain names.  I think this assessment is still plausible today.  Makes you wonder why they didn't move on this idea sooner.  I really like how Mr. Woods used the word "languish" in his assessment.  Can you imagine a world without Dot Comers?  Fascinating.


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