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Username: q
Date/Time: Sun, October 15, 2000 at 1:13 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Praise to IOD


      I would like to thank Image Online Design, Inc and the work they have done for the .web TLD.  I notice that there are many other companies out there registering .com, .net and .org TLD's and I believe that IOD should be allowed to provide further .web TLD registry servixes.  I believe it's only fair that the members registered with IOD should be allowed to keep their domains. I am one of them.  I believe that the quality of services provided by some has gone down hill. Seems like they are mostly focused on turning a profit and selling their "OTHER" services. IOD has been consistent the years that I've been with them.
PS: This November is the USMC's 225th Anniversary!! Thank a Marine!!

Link: Delta 1/5

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