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Username: Ray
Date/Time: Sat, October 21, 2000 at 12:06 AM GMT
Browser: AOL Browser V5.0 using Windows 95
Score: 5
Subject: panic


      I think what we are seeing now is some panic from the Afilias group due to the overwhelming ground swell of support for IOD.  But, as is obvious by their posts, they are really not up on the issues and are just spinning various gibberish without support.

IOD supporters have, in unison, come together and voiced a very loud and valid opinion.  It's getting downright organized now which is amazing.  It has impacted this application process for which IOD supporters should be very proud of. 

In the end, if this voice can be turned up another notch, it just may be the difference (which would be amazing).  I think there is some panic going on because of this from the other web camps.


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