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Username: fabrcop
Date/Time: Fri, November 3, 2000 at 7:13 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 95
Score: 5
Subject: Trademarks can be protected WITHOUT a Sunrise Period! (New TLDs are needed SOON)


The Internet *needs* new TLDs *soon*, expecially the popular ".web" :
people can't continue to register long and complicated domain names.

People is waiting for ".web" and other new TLDs since 1996,
when IANA started to plan them (and IODesign was there).

Trademarks must be protected, but this does not mean that
the process of creation of new TLDs must be delayed and complicated.
What was made for .com is good enough.
Actually ICANN's criteria do NOT IMPOSE that a Sunrise Period
MUST by adopted: applicants are free to choose their own

Regarding .web, please remember that IOD (whose registry
was started in 1996 after collaboration with IANA) adopted
ICANN's UDRP policy and will establish a black-out period
(of some weeks) during which all abused trademarks can be
claimed by legitimate trademarks.
This is something like what was made for .com :
actually the situation of .web is the same of .com,
since IOD's .web registry is pending since 1996 (before laws
about trademark protection were issued!).

ICANN, we know you are listening.
The Internet will be enhanced by the new .web registry
by IODesign.

A long Sunrise Period by an alternative .web registry
that does not exist yet (such as Afilias or Neustar)
only will extend the problem scarcity of good domain names.

Thanks for listening.


Fabrizio Coppola


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