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Username: For The People
Date/Time: Tue, October 17, 2000 at 7:07 PM GMT
Browser: AOL Browser V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Um....


You are being naive.

1. A person doesn't have to have a business plan for EACH of the domains he owns. A business plan can encompass multiple domains. I know many people who have a comprehensive business plan with hundreds of .coms. They don't care to sell ever. I know someone who has developed over 600 sites. Yes, all are developed. That is their business. For them, it is not a hobby.

2. There are more than a few hundred decent words and expressions. There are more than thousands. There are tens and hundreds of thousands. A student of Language understands this.

3. There are people who own 10,000 .coms and more. Yes. Believe it. If they choose to pay for them every year, that is their business. Which leads me to # 4.

4. Unrestricted domains are....unrestricted. If people own 1,000 domains and more, that is their right. Your annoyance over this doesn't serve as defacto legislation. I have the right to own 1,000 CARS if I choose.

Accept that this is a game that has many aspects that are currently foreign to you. 1 year ago, I didn't know what a domain was. Now I do, and I understand a bit more about how people use them to make money.

ICANN: Be an agency for the People as well as an agency devoted to corporate interests.

Bring IOD's .web into the Internet root, and allow .web to become the TLD of the People.

Then grant us protection.

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