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Username: vdfman
Date/Time: Wed, October 18, 2000 at 9:42 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V4.01 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: Not a conspiracy theorist, but . .


        It is a somewhat natural human inclination to undervalue others' intelligence. Despite how much ICANN APPEARS to be screwing up, be careful in assuming that they DON'T know how much they can get away with.  The fact is they have MORE INFORMATION than we do about their own dynamics and intentions.

Did anyone notice that one reason this forum gets no press is because ICANN held the At-large elections the week prior.. so now all the press is about Karl Auerbach and the German hacker.

Much of this could be intended more than one might naturally be inclined to think. 

Another example, maybe Afilias knows they can't get .WEB, but through all the controversy they may be able to prevent anyone including IOD from getting it. Sure, maybe a little far fetched,  but the reality is that if ICANN DOESN'T give it to anyone, but then gives Afilias: .SITE and INFO, and CORE: .NOM,  and iDomains: .BIZ. . we have a Sunrise period with all new major TLD's, Stubbs makes out a like a bandit. . and ICANN does not come across as TOTALLY biased, since they gave neither NSI or Melbourne IT .WEB .

It then is simply delayed indefinitely due to all the controversy.

Who knows?



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