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Username: Anthony
Date/Time: Fri, October 20, 2000 at 10:03 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.73 using Windows 95
Score: 5
Subject: JVTeam not only try to take .web from IOD they avoided paying ICANN its $50,000


If ICANN awards .web to Neustar it will be a poke in the eye for all of the applicants that actually paid the $50,000.

The instructions said that a company may make as many different applications as it wants so long as each is accompanyed by $50,000.

JVTeam applied for .biz.

Neustar (Melbourn IT and JVTeam) applied for .dot .spot .site .surf .info and .web.

However, the application details that in actual fact JVTeam is applying for .web whereas Neustar is applying for the others as a seconday adgenda.

The Neustar application is quite clear that the .web application is by JVTeam.

The terms of that application differ from the .biz application and so a fee of $50,000 was payable.

Not a good start.

This kind of back door business is not really what we are trying to encourage is it?



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