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Username: huguesdb
Date/Time: Tue, October 31, 2000 at 1:22 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Thinking again...



OK, lets have a Swiss discussion...

Good, we agree that some good restricted TLDs are needed.

You state "Is it fair to have a big company take away the domain name from a smaller company, because the name "sounds similar"?"

Well no, it is not fair. The internet is not inventing anything here. Company names and trademarks have the same problem. And why do we have commercial registers that check if your company name does not already exist? Why do we have trademark protection?

I believe it is to protect both innovations and consumers - but it is not fair to everybody? No, just to the majority...I hope!!!

It is the same thing with domain names. Without naming rules, the risk is that the system is more unfair than if there are a few rules.

How would you like me to set up a company called 'Friedrich Kisters SA' if you already have one? I would really get mad...

Re "The .com gtld is partly restricted" - I would rather say depleted rather than restricted. Let's use the term 'restricted' in the ICANN sense. Yes it is more and more difficalt to find good domain names. Imagine the problems the pharmaceutical industry has to find good names for new drugs... it is a nightmare and requires specialists.

However many TLDs we will have, the problem will become more and more acute as time goes by. It is inevitable - and again not unique to the internet domain name space.

Re "20'000 names were registered in .web, mainly by private people.
This IS an added value to the internet in my eyes."

Yes, it is an added value and I would hope that the experiment can continue - and the .webs be put on a more level playing field with the .coms. ( 20'000 in 5 years is about a weeks worth of new .coms?).

Just as I hope the Global NameSpace venture can continue. I do believe that internet users (the market) will be the ultimate decider in all this.

However, that ICANN now authorises a few generic unrestricted TLDs is another story. ICANN's goals have been made explicit : it has a responsibility to ensure the stability of the DNS and the continuity of the internet in the interests of the internet community at large. It MUST succeed in what it does and therefore has to be more prudent than IOD or Global Name Space. They can fail, that is the market. ICANN cannot afford to fail...they represent hundreds of millions of users. Who knows, maybe one day the whole board will be elected.

Generic unrestricted TLDs are HIGH RISK. The .com is perceived to be a mess (I quite like it) and adding more of the same makes.... a bigger mess.

So, thinking about it again, Friedrich , I am just as convinced that the opportunity is not right for ICANN. Well, they will decide.

Best regards,
Hugues Du Bois

PS. If you come to Montreux, give me a call...we can have a Swiss beer.


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